- Increased the min required Android OS version to 5 (Lollipop)
- Fixed crashing at vidoe recording, when saving on an SD card
- Replaced the G+ button with Reddit
- Multiple other stability, ux and translation improvements
- Fixed app freezing after photo capture on some devices
- Other UX and stability improvements
- Fixed some images not being saved properly
- Fixed too dark preview and images on some devices
- Couple other UX and stability improvements
- Fixed third party intent handling
- Fixed some glitch causing photos be captured fully zoomed in
- Added a couple extra error message displays
- Adding a couple crashfixes
- Fully rewrote the Camera functionality under the hood for Android 5+
- Properly save image EXIF data when selected so
- Fix the rotation of images returned to third party intents
- Removed the option to show the captured photo after taking it
- Allow customizing the app launcher icon color
- Split settings into subsections
- Couple smaller bugfixes and stability improvements
- Catch and show errors happening at saving images
- Rotate and store images more efficiently, if saved on SD cards
- Allow the app being ran above the lockscreen
- Couple stability improvements
- Show an error if setting the proper resolution failed
- Fix slow photo preview on Nexus 4
- Couple stability improvements
- Added an initial FAQ section
- Just adding a new tag for f-droid
- Fix a glitch at slow zooming
- Refresh Simple Gallery in the background after taking a photo/video
- Fixing a crash at saving photos
- Allow changing the photo compression quality
- Make dark theme the default
- Fixed missing launcher icons on some devices
- Improved primary color customization
- Added adaptive icons
- Couple crashfixes and misc improvements
- Fixed focusing on some devices
- Removed some error message displaying
- Made switching in landscape mode less sensitive
- Added a crashfix related to zooming
- Added optional exif metadata saving, enabled by default
- Added a toggle for opening back camera at startup
- Added a toggle for keeping setting buttons always visible
- Fixed some photo orientation issues
- Added a toggle for flipping front camera photos horizontally
- Improved third party intent handling
- Rotate photos stored on the Internal storage by exif
- Added rounded launcher icons for Android 7
- Couple crashfixes
- Fix occasional stucking at focusing at taking photo
- Add an option to always disable flash at startup (by trubitsyn)
- Couple translation fixes
- Keep autofocusing every 3 secs only we are in photo mode, or not recording
- Add an option to focus the photo before capture
- Add an option to use the volume buttons as shutter
- Fix wrong video rotation in some cases
- Misc other smaller improvements
- Allow creating new folders at selecting the save folder
- Misc crashfixes
- Make sure the captured photo is rotated properly
- Added color themes
- Adding a couple crashfixes
- Added an automatic flash mode
- Fixed photo rotation saving
- Fixed some issues with saving videos
- Fixed some Android 4.1 specific crashing
- Added more color customization options
- Your settings have been cleared, please reset them
- Moved the resolution picker onto the main screen
- Turn the flashlight on permanently even in photo mode
- Fixed video resolution for some devices
- Disable photo preview after capture by default
- Fixed setting max video resolution
- Fixed some startup crashes
- Fix the last image preview's rotation
- Some translation and license corrections
- Make sure the device never falls asleep while on the main screen
- Misc smaller improvements
- Fix saving for devices without SD cards
- Couple crashfixes related to SD card saving
- Fix saving photos and videos on SD card
- Add a new max photo limit of 2 MP
- Allow picking a custom folder for saving the photos and videos
- Couple bugfixes related to bottom button padding
- Use the System audio stream for playing the shutter sound
- Remember the last selected camera and flashlight state
- Save the images in 4:3 format if 16:9 is not forced
- Apply the shutter sound to video recording too
- Hide the bottom controls for a second at successfull photo capture
- Remove the "Focus before capture" feature
- Added German translation
- Add an Invite friends button
- Change the app launcher name to Camera
- Update the app launcher icon
- Remove the "Long tap to capture" feature
- Implement Pinch to zoom
- Save the media in DCIM folder by default
- Fade out the top right buttons when unused
- Make the dark theme really dark
- Allow setting max video resolution
- Added a Dark theme
- Rotate the icons together with the device orientation
- Delay turning flash off at taking photos
- Added Russian, Italian, Swedish translation
- Use the default shutter sound
- Display a rectangle on the focused area for a while
- Correct the resolution choice at some devices at both photos and videos
- Add Japanese translation
- Add an option to disable shutter sound
- Add a preview image of the last taken photo/video
- Add back the removed Settings section
- Use the new Google Plus logo
- Adjust everything properly if used on a tablet
- Show a Rate us button to returning users
- Allow setting the aspect ratio and max resolution
- Add a Google Plus page link to the About section
- Use the Pictures and Movies folders for saving photos and videos
- Add a Facebook page link to the About section
- Always set the correct aspect ratio to the preview
- Add an option to disable Tap to Capture
- Add an optional function to Focus Before Capture, disabled by default
- Recognize the hardware camera button
- Allow opening the app on Hardware camera button
- Offer the app at third party Video Capture actions
- Added some additional checks for releasing the camera
- Properly rotate photos at videos at landscape/selfies
- Offer the app at third party Image Capture actions
- Use the highest possible photo resolution, with limit at 8 mpx
- Properly handle Marshmallow+ permissions
- Activate the Shutter at long pressing the preview
- Implement video recording
- Correctly rotate the image when taken landscape
- Added shutter audio
- Initial release