class Person {
//does not compile! cyclic reference
Person(int x){
Only instance methods can be marked abstract within a class!
Not variables, constructors, or static methods.
public abstract class AnAbstractClass {
abstract void hello();
//Illegal combination of modifiers: 'abstract' and 'private'
private abstract void notAllowed(); //does not compile!
//Illegal combination of modifiers: 'final' and 'abstract'
abstract final void notAllowed(); //does not compile!
//Illegal combination of modifiers: 'abstract' and 'static'
abstract static void notAllowed(); //does not compile!
//Modifier 'abstract' not allowed here
abstract AnAbstractClass(){} //does not compile!
abstract and final together, does not compile!
public abstract final class Tortoise { // DOES NOT COMPILE
public abstract final void walk(); // DOES NOT COMPILE
A method cannot be marked as both abstract and private.
public abstract class Whale {
private abstract void sing(); // DOES NOT COMPILE
A method cannot be marked as both abstract and static.
abstract class Dog {
abstract static void counter(); // DOES NOT COMPILE
- Mark the class as final or make all the constructors private.
- Mark all the instance variables private and final.
- Don’t define any setter methods.
- Don’t allow referenced mutable objects to be modified.
- Use a constructor to set all properties of the object, making a copy if needed.
Mind that extends come before implements!
class Jaguar extends Feline implements Run {...}
Instance method cannot override static method
There is no override/overload when the method in the parent class is marked private.
//no point to mark a method private & final as private methods cannot be overridden
private final void sayHello(){
Constructors cannot be declared final
public class Man {
public final Man() {} //DOES NOT COMPILE!
Specifically, when talking about return types in methods, covariant types mean that a subclass can have a more specific (i.e., a subtype) return type compared to its parent class.
public class Animal {
protected CharSequence getName() {
return "animal";
protected String getColor() {
return "white";
} }
public class Pet extends Animal {
public String getName() {
return "I am a kitten";
public CharSequence getColor() { // DOES NOT COMPILE
return "red";
} }
Declaring a method as both private and final is redundant and has no additional impact on the method's behavior.
private final void sayHello() {
public class Insect {
private String getSize() {
return "Undefined";
} }
//this is not override, they are treated like two independent methods
public class Fly extends Insect {
private int getSize() {
return 5;
} }
Instance variables are not overridden, they are hidden. Polymorphism and overriding do not apply to instance variables.
class Parent {}
public static final void message() {
class Child extends Parent {
static void message() { //DOES NOT COMPILE!!
hinding static methods The static method message() is marked final, so it cannot be hidden in the subclass.