Garamon (Geometric Algebra Recursive and Adaptative Monster) is a generator of C++ libraries dedicated to Geometric Algebra. From a configuration file, the library generator generate the source code of the specified Algebra as well as a compatible sample code and some documentation.
* MIT Licence allows free use in all software (including GPL and commercial)
* multi-platform (Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac)
* 'Eigen 3.3.4' or more [Eigen](
* 'Cmake 3.10' or more
* gcc 5.4.0
* clang 4
* apple-clang 900.0.39.2
* MinGW 7.2.0
* MSVC 19.14.26430.0 (Visual Studio 15.7.3)
* Check the dependencies
* From Garamon Generator root directory
* 'mkdir build'
* 'cd build'
* 'cmake ..'
* check that the cmake output has no errors
* 'make'
* the binary executable is on the 'build' directory
* Check the dependencies
* From Garamon Generator root directory
* 'mkdir build'
* 'cd build'
* 'cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ..'
* check that the cmake output has no errors
* 'mingw32-make'
* the binary executable is on the 'build' directory
* Check the dependencies
* From Garamon Generator root directory
* 'mkdir build'
* 'cd build'
* 'cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" ..'
* check that the cmake output has no errors
* open the file garamon_generator.sln with Visual Studio
* generate the project "ALL_BUILD" with Release configuration
* the binary executable is on the 'Release' directory
* define the algebra to generate: chose a configuration file (.conf) on the 'conf' directory or create your own.
* run the binary executable (from the 'build' directory) with the configuration file as argument
> ./garamon_generator file.conf
* the generated library is located in 'build/output' directory
* to install the generated library, see its
Let us consider the considered algebra is CGA of R3 corresponding to the configuration file c3ga.conf.
* Check the dependencies
* From Garamon Generator root directory
* 'mkdir build'
* 'cd build'
* 'cmake ..'
* 'make'
* './garamon_generator ../conf/c3ga.conf'
* 'cd output/garamon_c3ga/'
* 'python build'
* 'python install'
* 'cd sample'
* 'python'
* Vincent Nozick (Universite Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallee, France)
* Stephane Breuils (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
* vincent.nozick (at)
If you use Garamon for research purpose, please cite the following paper:
author="Breuils, St{\'e}phane and Nozick, Vincent and Fuchs, Laurent",
title="Garamon: A Geometric Algebra Library Generator",
journal="Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras",