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File metadata and controls

257 lines (168 loc) · 9.31 KB


PyPI - Version PyPI - Python Version


pip install pyrobird

Optional dependencies:

  • batch - install pyppeteer, that allows to make screenshots in batch mode
  • xrootd - install libraries to read xrootd located files and URLs starting with root://
  • test - install pytest, mainly to run tests in development build

If installed via pip, xrootd library requires compilation, so the system should have cmake, compiler and some xrootd dependencies installed.

Development installation

python -m pip install --editable .[test,batch]

Running with Gunicorn (development mode)

gunicorn --bind pyrobird.server:flask_app --log-level debug --capture-output


  • PEP8 is required
  • Use Numpy style dockstring comments
  • pytest is used for unit tests. Aim for comprehensive coverage of the new code.
  • Utilize type hints wherever is possible to enhance readability and reduce errors.
  • Use of specific exceptions for error handling is better. As described in the Python documentation rather than general exceptions.
  • Contributions are subject to code review. Please submit pull requests (PRs) against the main branch for any contributions.
  • Manage dependencies appropriately. Add new dependencies to pyproject.toml. Provide a justification for new dependencies


To install dependencies with testing libraries included

pip install .[test]

Navigate to the pyrobird/tests and execute:


# To stop immediately on error and enter debugging mode
pytest -x --pdb 

Development install

python -m pip install --upgrade --editable  .[test]

Pyrobird Server

This server allows Firebird to work with local files and the local file system as well as to complement frontend features such as opening XRootD files, etc.

Serve Firobird locally and have access to files in current directory:

fbd serve

pyrobird (backend) allows Firebird (frontend) to access certain files on your system. For this reason pyrobird server has multiple endpoints such as /api/v1/download which allows to download files. There are library files served and by default Firebird has access to files in your current directory or a directory provided via --work-path flag

Available Options

Option Short Type Default Description
--allow-any-file Flag False Allow unrestricted access to download files in the system. When enabled, the server allows downloads of all files which the running user has access to. Use with caution: It is considered dangerous in production environments.
--allow-cors Flag False Enable CORS for downloaded files. This option should be used if you need to support web applications from different domains accessing the files, such as serving your server from a central Firebird server.
--disable-files Flag False Disable all file downloads from the server. This option will prevent any file from being downloaded, enhancing security by restricting file access.
--work-path TEXT String CWD Set the base directory path for file downloads. Defaults to the current working directory. Use this option to specify where the server should look for files when handling download requests.

--allow-any-file - allows unrestricted access to download files in a system. When enabled, the server allows downloads of all files that user has access to. When disabled - only files in --work-path and its subdirectories are allowed to be downloaded. This option could be considered safe on personal machines with a single user, who runs localhost server in a terminal

(!) It is considered dangerous in all other cases: farms, interactive nodes, production environments, servers, etc. Just think /etc/passwd will be accessible through localhost:port/api/v1/download?f=/etc/passwd

So security wise, it is better to use --work-path than --allow-any-file

  • Start server with default settings, Firebird works with files in current directory:

    fbd serve
  • Set where Firebird will take files from:

    fbd serve --work-path=/home/username/datafiles

    Now if you set file local://filename.root in Firebird UI, the file /home/username/datafiles/filename.root will be opened

API Documentation

This is technical explanation of what is under the hood of the server part


  • Secure File Downloading: Download files with access control to prevent unauthorized access.
  • EDM4eic Event Processing: Extract and convert specific events from EDM4eic files to JSON.
  • Static File Serving: Serve frontend assets seamlessly alongside API endpoints.
  • Dynamic Configuration: Serve configuration files with real-time server information.
  • CORS Support: Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for specified routes.

Configuration Options

  • DOWNLOAD_PATH: str[getcwd()], Specifies the directory from which files can be downloaded when using relative paths.
  • PYROBIRD_DOWNLOAD_IS_DISABLED: bool[False] If set to True, all download functionalities are disabled.
  • PYROBIRD_DOWNLOAD_IS_UNRESTRICTED: bool[False], allows unrestricted access to download any file, including sensitive ones.
  • CORS_IS_ALLOWED: bool[False], If set to True, enables Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for download routes.

The API provides endpoints for downloading files, processing EDM4eic events, and serving configuration files. It also includes static file serving for frontend assets.

Download File


GET /api/v1/download
GET /api/v1/download/<path:filename>


Allows users to download specified files. The download can be restricted based on configuration settings to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive files.


  • Query Parameters:

    • filename (optional): The name or path of the file to download.
    • f (optional): An alternative parameter for the filename.
  • Path Parameters:

    • filename (optional): The path of the file to download.

Note: You can provide the filename either as a query parameter or as part of the URL path.


  1. Download via Query Parameter

    curl -O "http://localhost:5454/api/v1/download?filename=example.txt"
  2. Download via URL Path

    curl -O "http://localhost:5454/api/v1/download/example.txt"

Security Considerations

  • Access Control: Ensure that DOWNLOAD_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED is set appropriately to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Path Traversal: The server sanitizes file paths to prevent directory traversal attacks.

Open EDM4eic Event


GET /api/v1/convert/edm4eic/<int:event_number>
GET /api/v1/convert/edm4eic/<int:event_number>/<path:filename>


Processes an EDM4eic file to extract a specific event and returns the event data in JSON format. Supports both local and remote files.


  • Path Parameters:

    • event_number (required): The number of the event to extract.
    • filename (optional): The path or URL of the EDM4eic file.
  • Query Parameters:

    • filename (optional): The name or path of the file to process.
    • f (optional): An alternative parameter for the filename.

Note: You can provide the filename either as a query parameter or as part of the URL path.


  1. Process Local File via Query Parameter

    curl "http://localhost:5454/api/v1/convert/edm4eic/5?filename=path/to/file.edm4eic.root"
  2. Process Remote File via URL Path

    curl "http://localhost:5454/api/v1/convert/edm4eic/5/"

Asset Configuration


GET /assets/config.jsonc


Serves the asset configuration file (config.jsonc) with additional server information injected dynamically.


curl "http://localhost:5454/assets/config.jsonc"


hatch build
hatch publish

# You will have to setup your pip authentication key