Unfortunately iSub is no longer under active development. This repo is the unfinished Swift port and modernization (iSub was originally developed on iOS 3!).
The currently released App Store version can be found here: https://github.com/einsteinx2/isub3. If you would like to submit and bug fix or add a feature to the release version, fork that repo and submit a PR. I'm happy to review and merge any PRs there and get them out in the next update. I'll only be ensuring that it continues to run on new iOS releases, otherwise unfortunately I'm no longer working on this project.
- Clone the repository
- Run the iSub Beta target.
- That's it! All frameworks are checked in. You can install Carthage to update them, but it's not required.
- Fork the repo
- Implement your bug fix or feature in a feature branch on your repo
- Create a Pull Request into einsteinx2/iSub