MM-Wiki is a light software that enables companies for internal knowledge sharing and for better collaboration. It serves as a platform for information sharing and wiki creating within as well as among teams.
- Easy deployment. It’s built with Go. You only need to download the package based on your system and execute the binary file.
- Quick installation. It has a clean and concise installing interface that guides you through the process.
- Private space for each team and department. By setting permissions, other teams/departments can read, edit files.
- Flexible system administration setting. Each user has different roles with various aspects of permissions accordingly.
- This app allows users to log in through certified external system such as the company’s LDAP log in system.
- Stay synced with your team. You’ll receive email notifications when the file you're following is updated.
- Share and download the file. For now you can only download files in the form of Markdown plain text.
- Support full text search.
# Make a directory. $ mkdir mm_wiki $ cd mm_wiki # Take linux amd64 as an example: download the latest release of the software. # Downloading address: # Unzip the file to the directory you just created. $ tar -zxvf mm-wiki-linux-amd64.tar.gz # Enter into the installation directory $ cd install # Execute the file. The default port is 8090. Set another port using: --port=8087 $ ./install # Visit http://ip:8090 in a browser. Now you should see the installation interface. Follow the instruction to finish settings. # Ctrl + C to stop installation. Turn on MM-Wiki. $ cd .. $ ./mm-wiki --conf conf/mm-wiki.conf # Now you can visit the ip address with the port the system is listening. # Enjoy using MM-wiki!
1.Take linux amd64 as an example: download the latest release of the software.
2.Unzip the file to a directory that you set before.
3.Click into the install directory.
4.Double click install.exe.
5.Visit http://ip:8090 in a browser and now you should see the installation interface. Follow instructions to finish installations.
6.Close the installation window.
7.Use command line(cmd.exe)to enter into the root directory.
$ execute mm-wiki.exe --conf conf/mm-wiki.conf
8.Now you can visit the ip address with the port the system is listening. Enjoy using MM-wiki!
Note: If the there's 502 error in the browser when you should see the installation guide instead, change a browser and try it again.
upstream frontends {
server; # MM-Wiki listening ip:port
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass_header Server;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
proxy_pass http://frontends;
# static resources managed by nginx
location /static {
root /www/mm-wiki; # MM-Wiki root directory
expires 1d;
add_header Cache-Control public;
access_log off;
MM-Wiki is built with many great plugins. Many thanks to developers of these plugins:
- bootstrap
- awesome-bootstrap-checkbox
- bootstrap-iconpicker
- bootstrap-select
- bootstrap-switch
- bootstrap-tagsinput
- layout
- layer
- metisMenu
- morris
- popover
- scrollup
- zTreev3
Requirement:go 1.8
$ git clone
$ cd mm-wiki
$ go build ./
If you want to buy me a coffee :)
- Official QQ group number:853467682
- If you like this app, please Star it.
- If there're issues while you're using it, submit a issue.
- If you find a bug and solve it, make a pull request.
- If you want to contribute to it, please fork it.
- If you want to make friends with me,shoot me an email at [email protected].
Created By phachon