Qiniu Cloud
- Hangzhou, China
- 8h ahead
Starred repositories
User-friendly AI Interface (Supports Ollama, OpenAI API, ...)
Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.
The most comprehensive database of Chinese poetry 🧶最全中华古诗词数据库, 唐宋两朝近一万四千古诗人, 接近5.5万首唐诗加26万宋诗. 两宋时期1564位词人,21050首词。
It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind prezi.com.
本文原文由知名 Hacker Eric S. Raymond 所撰寫,教你如何正確的提出技術問題並獲得你滿意的答案。
A list of semi to fully remote-friendly companies (jobs) in tech.
🎨 A curated list of delightful VS Code packages and resources.
✯ 可直连访问的电视/广播图标库与相关工具项目 ✯ 🔕 永久免费 直连访问 完整开源 不断完善的台标 支持IPv4/IPv6双栈访问 🔕
Daemon for easy but powerful stats aggregation
Web Extension for saving a faithful copy of a complete web page in a single HTML file
📄 CLI that generates beautiful README.md files
Visualization of all roads within any city
Gitalk is a modern comment component based on Github Issue and Preact.
Map your keys for web surfing, expand your browser with javascript and keyboard.
A Node.js style checker and lint tool for Markdown/CommonMark files.
OpenMTP - Advanced Android File Transfer Application for macOS
Config of File Nesting for VS Code
💾 Personal website running on Gatsby, React, and Node.js.
📦 Clients for building books with EpubPress.
30+ 款 Markdown 预览主题,Typo.css、Vue、Bear、飞书云文档等风格,适用于 MWeb、Typora。
Documentation has been moved to docs in https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid