== 0.1.3
- Support Rails 4
== 0.1.2
- Add tumblr.
== 0.1.1
- Add delicious.
- Use new version of Weibo, Douban share URL to speed up page open.
== 0.1.0
- Retina support.
== 0.0.9
- Allow to give :url option to custom url.
== 0.0.8
- Add Google Bookmark;
- Improve Google+ icon.
== 0.0.7
- Douban, TQQ add image support.
== 0.0.6
- Transparent icon fix
== 0.0.5
- Transparent icon
- More site added (Renren,TQQ, Google+, Baidu, Kaixin001)
== 0.0.4
- Add image support for Weibo share.
== 0.0.3
- Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, Douban, QQZone 分享功能;