Generates a .ppm or .svg file for a given RNDF file.
This project depends on:
- simple_svg_1.0.0
cd tools/rndf_visualizer
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
The binary file should be available in the build folder
To get a .ppm image:
./rndf_visualizer -i [RNDF file path]
To get a .svg image:
./rndf_visualizer -g [RNDF file path]
- Exit --> red
- Entry --> blue
- Stop --> orange
- Perimeter --> yellow
- Checkpoint --> fuchsia
- Other kinds --> green
Trunks and lanes are dark grey. Connections between entry and exit waypoints are shown in cyan. Also, the area enclosed by perimeter waypoints is light blue now.
You can use the "debug mode" to print lanes with different colors. Also, you can selectively print waypoints. These options are configured from argument list parameters like:
./rndf_visualizer -d -w -g [RNDF file path]
- -d or --debug for printing lanes with different colors. Connections keep in cyan so as to differentiate from lanes.
- -w or --waypoinst for turning of waypoints. In case -d is used, waypoints color are the same to the lane they belong to.