- Berlin
A typed fetch client for openapi-typescript
DSTIKE Deauther for FlipperZero as module based on ESP8266
OpenSecurityIN / nodejsscan
Forked from ajinabraham/nodejsscannodejsscan is a static security code scanner for Node.js applications.
hallgren / turbo-react
Forked from ssorallen/turbo-reactCombine Turbolinks and React to apply DOM diffs
elboby / github-services
Forked from github/github-servicesOfficial GitHub Services Integration - You can set these up in your repo admin screen under Service Hooks
elboby / python-oauth2
Forked from OfflineLabs/python-oauth2A fully tested, abstract interface to creating OAuth clients and servers. -- Tweaked from an out-of-date fork to support the OAuth 2.0 interface exposed by Foursquare's v2 API
OfflineLabs / python-oauth2
Forked from dgouldin/python-oauth2A fully tested, abstract interface to creating OAuth clients and servers. -- Tweaked from an out-of-date fork to support the OAuth 2.0 interface exposed by Foursquare's v2 API
Example client/server code for erlang-oauth
elboby / Thumper
Forked from php-amqplib/ThumperPHP Library that implement several messaging patters for RabbitMQ