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Add support for propogating object transformations, fix bug where pla…
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…yer can jump while in the air, add support for custom object ids
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mahsu committed Dec 3, 2015
1 parent 82128d9 commit 63886fe
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Showing 3 changed files with 70 additions and 40 deletions.
39 changes: 27 additions & 12 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ let pressed_keys = {
let collid_objs = ref []
let last_time = ref 0.

let end_game () =
Dom_html.window##alert (Js.string "Game over!");
failwith "Game over."

let calc_fps t0 t1 =
let delta = (t1 -. t0) /. 1000. in
1. /. delta
Expand All @@ -27,16 +31,25 @@ let broad_phase collid =

let rec narrow_phase c cs context =
match cs with
| [] -> ()
| h::t ->
let () = if not (equals c h) then
begin match Object.check_collision c h with
| None -> ()
| Some dir ->
if (get_obj h).id <> (get_obj c).id
then Object.process_collision dir c h context
end in narrow_phase c t context
let rec narrow_helper c cs context acc =
match cs with
| [] -> acc
| h::t ->
let new_objs = if not (equals c h) then
begin match Object.check_collision c h with
| None -> (None,None)
| Some dir ->
if (get_obj h).id <> (get_obj c).id
then Object.process_collision dir c h context
else (None,None)
end else (None,None) in
let acc = match new_objs with
| (None, Some o) -> o::acc
| (Some o, None) -> o::acc
| (Some o1, Some o2) -> o1::o2::acc
| (None, None) -> acc
in narrow_helper c t context acc
in narrow_helper c cs context []

let translate_keys () =
let k = pressed_keys in
Expand All @@ -62,12 +75,14 @@ let update_collidable (collid:Object.collidable) all_collids canvas =
let spr = Object.get_sprite collid in
if not obj.kill then begin
obj.grounded <- false;
(* Run collision detection *)
let broad = broad_phase collid in
Object.process_obj obj;
narrow_phase collid broad context;
let evolved = narrow_phase collid broad context in
(* Render and update animation *)
Draw.render spr (obj.pos.x,obj.pos.y);
if obj.vel.x <> 0. || not (is_enemy collid) then Sprite.update_animation spr;
if not obj.kill then (collid_objs := collid::!collid_objs)
if not obj.kill then (collid_objs := collid::(!collid_objs@evolved))

Expand Down
69 changes: 42 additions & 27 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -77,18 +77,25 @@ let make_type = function
| SItem t -> make_item t
| SBlock t -> make_block t

let make ?dir:(dir=Left) spawnable context (posx, posy) =
let new_id () =
id_counter := !id_counter + 1;

let make ?id:(id=None) ?dir:(dir=Left) spawnable context (posx, posy) =
let spr = Sprite.make spawnable dir context in
let params = make_type spawnable in
id_counter := !id_counter +1;
let id = match id with
| None -> new_id ()
| Some n -> n
let obj = {
pos = {x=posx; y=posy};
vel = {x=0.0;y=0.0};
id = !id_counter;
jumping = false;
grounded = false;
dir = dir;
invuln = 0;
kill = false;
} in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,7 +137,7 @@ let update_player_keys (player : obj) (controls : controls) : unit =
then player.vel.x <- player.vel.x +. 1.;
player.dir <- Right
| CUp ->
if (not player.jumping) then begin
if (not player.jumping && player.grounded) then begin
player.jumping <- true;
player.grounded <- false;
player.vel.y <- ~-.(player.params.speed)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,49 +222,57 @@ let reverse_left_right obj =
| Left -> Right
| Right -> Left

let evolve_enemy typ spr obj context =
let evolve_enemy player_dir typ spr obj context =
match typ with
| GKoopa ->
let (new_spr,new_obj) = make ~dir:obj.dir (SEnemy GKoopaShell) context (obj.pos.x,obj.pos.y) in
normalize_pos new_obj.pos spr new_spr;
| RKoopa ->
let (new_spr,new_obj) = make ~dir:obj.dir (SEnemy RKoopaShell) context (obj.pos.x,obj.pos.y) in
normalize_pos new_obj.pos spr new_spr;
| GKoopaShell |RKoopaShell ->
| GKoopaShell |RKoopaShell ->
obj.dir <- player_dir;
if obj.vel.x <> 0. then obj.vel.x <- 0. else set_vel_to_speed obj;
(typ, spr, obj)
| _ -> obj.kill <- true; (typ, spr, obj)
| _ -> obj.kill <- true; None

let process_collision dir c1 c2 context =
match (c1, c2, dir) with
| (Player(s1,o1), Enemy(typ,s2,o2), North) ->
o1.jumping <- false;
ignore (evolve_enemy typ s2 o2 context)
| (Player(s1,o1), Enemy(t2,s2,o2), _) -> o1.kill <- true
(None,(evolve_enemy o1.dir typ s2 o2 context))
| (Player(s1,o1), Enemy(t2,s2,o2), _) ->
begin match t2 with
| GKoopaShell |RKoopaShell ->
let r2 = if o2.vel.x = 0. then evolve_enemy o1.dir t2 s2 o2 context
else (o1.kill <- true; None) in
| _ -> o1.kill <- true; (None, None)
| (Player(s1,o1), Item(t2,s2,o2), _) ->
o2.kill <- true (*& stuff happens to player*)
o2.kill <- true; (None,None)(*& stuff happens to player*)
| (Player(s1,o1), Block(t2,s2,o2), dir) ->
collide_block dir o1
| (Enemy(t1,s1,o1), Player(s2,o2), South) ->
o1.kill <- true
| (Enemy(t1,s1,o1), Player(s2,o2), _) ->
o2.kill <- true
| (Enemy(t1,s1,o1), Enemy(t2,s2,o2), dir) ->
begin match dir with
collide_block dir o1; (None,None)
| (Enemy(t1,s1,o1), Enemy(t2,s2,o2), dir) ->
begin match dir with
| West | East ->
reverse_left_right o1;
reverse_left_right o2
| _ -> ()
reverse_left_right o2;
| _ -> (None,None)
| (Enemy(typ,s,obj), Block(typ2,s2,obj2), dir) -> collide_block dir obj
| (Item(typ,s,obj), Block(typ2,s2,obj2), dir) -> collide_block dir obj
| (Item(typ,s,obj), Player(s2,obj2), _) -> obj.kill <- true (*& stuff happens to player*)
| (Enemy(typ,s,obj), Block(typ2,s2,obj2), dir) ->
collide_block dir obj;
(None, None)
| (Item(typ,s,obj), Block(typ2,s2,obj2), dir) ->
collide_block dir obj;
(None, None)
(*| (Block(typ,s,obj), Player(s2,obj2), dir) -> collide_block dir obj2
| (Block(typ,s,obj), Enemy(typ2,s2,obj2), dir) -> collide_block dir obj2
| (Block(typ,s,obj), Item(typ2,s2,obj2), dir) -> collide_block dir obj2*)
| (_, _, _) -> ()
| (_, _, _) -> (None,None)

let get_aabb obj =
let spr = ((get_sprite obj).params) in
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion object.mli
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Expand Up @@ -64,4 +64,4 @@ val update_player : obj -> Actors.controls list -> Dom_html.canvasRenderingConte
* direction of the collision if one occurred. *)
val check_collision : collidable -> collidable -> Actors.dir_2d option

val process_collision : Actors.dir_2d -> collidable -> collidable -> Dom_html.canvasRenderingContext2D Js.t -> unit
val process_collision : Actors.dir_2d -> collidable -> collidable -> Dom_html.canvasRenderingContext2D Js.t -> (collidable option * collidable option)

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