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149 lines (139 loc) · 13.8 KB

File metadata and controls

149 lines (139 loc) · 13.8 KB


Category Key Mode Action
Navigation space n page down
- n page up
\w n camelcase word forward
\b n camelcase word backwards
[q n previous error
]q n next error
[n n previous conflict marker
]n n next conflict marker
[b n previous buffer
]b n next buffer
{ n previous paragraph
} n next paragraph
Ctrl-j,k,l i move down, up, right
Ctrl-e i go to end of line
Diff do n,v diff get/obtain (takes the change from the other pane)
dp n,v diff put (put the change in other pane)
]c n next change
[c n previous change
Selection vi<space> n select text between spaces
vi( / vi{ / vi[ n select text between brackets
vii n select text with the same indentation
vis n select sentence
vip n select paragraph
Find enter n clear search highlight
* n,v find current word or visual selection
\ff n find current word with silver searcher
\ff v find current selection with silver searcher
\fc n find code (prompt silver searcher)
\fr n :Gsearch (r = replace)
\fg n,v find in google
\fo n,v find in stack overflow
Docs \dm n markdown cheatsheet
\dj n jade cheatsheet
\dk n open docs/
Window Management ctrl-h,j,k,l n move to window
Q n close or kill window (uses yadr's window killer)
\qq n closes vim (confirms unsaved changes)
<c-w>s n split
<c-w>v n split vertical
Go To \gb n go to buffer
\gc n go to change
\gd n go to directory
\gf n go to file (CtrlP)
C-p n go to file (CtrlP)
\gm n go to most recently used file
\gg n go to nerd tree
\gn n go to nerd tree (and focus current file)
\tn n toggle nerd tree
C-\ n go to nerd tree (and focus current file)
\go n go to alternate file
\gs n go to snippets file
\gt n go to tag
\gv n go to .vimrc
`` n go to tag in current file
Editing ctrl-_ n,i toggle hebrew mode
tab/C-tab v indent/deindent (without losing selection)
tab i autocomplete
C-] i expand snippet
<c-t> i show available snippets
C-\ i add ";" to the end of the line
\ef n edit file
\et n edit file in tab
\rf n read file
\er n revert unsaved changes (:e!)
\rws n remove trailing whitespace
\ehs n split hash
\ehj n join hash
\ey n yank to * and + registers
<Enter> v EasyAlign (e.g. <Enter>: or <Enter>=)
\e1 n finish line with "#" chars
\e2 n finish line with "=" chars
\e3 n finish line with "-" chars
\cc n,v comment
\cu n,v uncomment
\tw n toggle word (true/false, on/off)
crs n convert to snake_case
crm n convert to MixedCase
crc n convert to camelCase
:%S/one/two/ n substitute using abolish
Folding zo n open fold
zc n close fold
zM n close all folds
zR n open all folds
Spelling cos n toggle spelling
z= n suggest correct spelling
zg n define current word as correctly spelled
zw n define current word as wrongly spelled
Surround # n,v surround with #{}
" n,v surround with "
' n,v surround with '
( or ) n,v surround with ()
[ or ] n,v surround with []
{ or } n,v surround with {}
Session \so n open session
\ss n save session
*Git (v=version) \vd n git diff
\vh n show history of current file (using tig)
\vrf n revert file changes (git co)
\vrp n revert file changes (interactive, git co -p)
\vs n git status
\vaf n git add {file}
\vap n git add -p (interactive)
\vc n git commit (uses fugitive)
Run \rr n run current file
\rm n markdown preview
\rl n open selected link
\rs n run selected vim command
\rt n generate tags file
Testing \tf n test current file
\tl n test current line
\tt n run last test
Misc \ n redraw
\ti n toggle indent guides

Fish Shell

Key Action
c-] accept autosuggestion
c-x edit commandline using $EDITOR

Other Apps


  • v - move
  • z - zoom (use alt to zoom out)
  • m - rectangular select (marquee)
  • h or hold space - hand tool
  • cmd+1 - tools
  • cmd+2 - layers


  • Cmd + [,] - previous/next chat
  • Cmd + F - go to search bar
  • Cmd + F2 - bring to focus


  • - delete

  • e - archive
  • x - select
  • v - move to
  • gi - go to inbox