This plugin exposes a ROS interface for the GraspIt! simulator via graspit-ros. Our main purpose for writing this plugin was to give GraspIt! more exposure to the ROS community and make it easier to get started planning grasps with GraspIt! You can interact with this interface through a variety of ROS services and action servers.
If you have any specific features you'd like to see, let us know by submitting a new issue, or feel free to submit a pull request!
Or please feel free to use this as a template to write your own bridge between your ros system and GraspIt!.
To see how a client interacts with this interface, check out our python client graspit_commander.
//create ros workspace
mkdir -p graspit_ros_ws/src
cd graspit_ros_ws/src
source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
catkin_init_workspace .
//clone packages
git clone --recursive
git clone
git clone
//build workspace
cd graspit_ros_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch graspit_interface graspit_interface.launch
Then you can view available services and topics provided by the graspit_interface via:
rostopic list
rosservice list