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This folder contains lesson markdown files that make up the NodeJS course. This course exists in the Full Stack JavaScript path on the Odin Project Website.

Course Outline

The following list represents how the lessons are divided into sections and presented on the website.

Disclaimer: Given the ever updating nature of the curriculum, the outline might be outdated. See the NodeJS course on the website instead.

Introduction to NodeJS

  1. Introduction: What is NodeJs
  2. Getting Started
  3. Debugging Node
  4. Project: Basic Informational Site


  1. Introduction to MongoDB

Express and Mongoose

  1. Introduction to Express
  2. Express 101
  3. Express 102: CRUD and MVC
  4. Preparing for Deployment
  5. Project: Mini Message Board
  6. Express 103: Routes and Controllers
  7. Express 104: View Templates
  8. Project: Express 105: Forms and Deployment
  9. Project: Inventory Application


  1. Authentication Basics
  2. Security Configuration
  3. Project: Members Only


  1. API Basics
  2. API Security
  3. Project: Blog API

Testing Express

  1. Testing Routes and Controllers
  2. Testing Database Operations


  1. Project: Odin Book
  2. Conclusion