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This folder contains lesson markdown files that make up the Ruby course. This course exists in the Full Stack Ruby on Rails path on the Odin Project Website.

Course Outline

The following list represents how the lessons are divided into sections and presented on the website.

Disclaimer: Given the ever updating nature of the curriculum, the outline might be outdated. See the Ruby course on the website instead.


  1. How this Course Will Work
  2. Installing Ruby

Basic Ruby

  1. Basic Data Types
  2. Variables
  3. Input and Output
  4. Conditional Logic
  5. Loops
  6. Arrays
  7. Hashes
  8. Methods
  9. Debugging
  10. Basic Enumerable Methods
  11. Predicate Enumerable Methods
  12. Nested Collections

Basic Ruby Projects

  1. Project: Caesar Cipher
  2. Project: Sub Strings
  3. Project: Stock Picker
  4. Project: Bubble Sort

Object Oriented Programming Basics

  1. Object Oriented Programming
  2. Project: Tic Tac Toe
  3. Project: Mastermind

Files and Serialization

  1. Files and Serialization
  2. Project: Event Manager
  3. Project: Hangman

Advanced Ruby

  1. Blocks
  2. Pattern Matching
  3. Project: Custom Enumerables

A Bit of Computer Science

  1. A Very Brief Intro to CS
  2. Recursive Methods
  3. Project: Recursion
  4. Common Data Structures and Algorithms
  5. Project: Linked Lists
  6. Project: Binary Search Trees
  7. Project: Knight Travails

Testing Ruby with RSpec

  1. Test Driven Development
  2. Introduction to RSpec
  3. Project: Connect Four


  1. Project: Ruby Final Project
  2. Conclusion