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Ruby on Rails

This folder contains lesson markdown files that make up the Ruby on Rails course. This course exists in the Full Stack Ruby on Rails path on the Odin Project Website.

Course Outline

The following list represents how the lessons are divided into sections and presented on the website.

Disclaimer: Given the ever updating nature of the curriculum, the outline might be outdated. See the Ruby on Rails course on the website instead.


  1. How this Course Will Work
  2. Preparing for Deployment
  3. Project: Installing Rails
  4. A Railsy Web Refresher

Rails Basics

  1. Routing
  2. Controllers
  4. Deployment
  5. Project: Blog App

Active Record Basics

  1. Active Record Basics
  2. Project: Micro-Reddit

Assets and Navigation

  1. The Asset Pipeline
  2. Importmaps
  3. Turbo Drive

Forms and Authentication

  1. Form Basics
  2. Project: Forms
  3. Sessions Cookies, and Authentication
  4. Project: Members Only!

Advanced Forms and Active Record

  1. Active Record Queries
  2. Active Record Associations
  3. Project: Private Events
  4. Active Record Callbacks
  5. Advanced Forms
  6. Project: Flight Booker


  1. APIs and Building Your Own
  2. Working With External APIs
  3. Project: Kittens API
  4. Project: Flickr API

Rails Sprinkles

  1. CSS Bundling
  2. JS Bundling
  3. Turbo
  4. Stimulus

Mailers and Advanced Topics

  1. Mailers
  2. Project: Sending Confirmation Emails
  3. Advanced Topics
  4. Websockets and Actioncable
  5. Project: Rails Final Project
  6. Conclusion