- 10x10 Board
- Two players
- Each player has 4 ships
- Length 2
- Length 3
- Length 4
- Length 5 Each ship are to be arranged either horizontally or vertically
- Number of blasts available are dependent on the number of battleships
- Goal is to sink the opponent's battleship
- Each player take their turn to call the coordinates
- After each turn, coordinates will be printed out and announce if opponent ship is occupied by that coordinate.
- When a ship is sunk, "Player X ship is sunk" will be printed out.
- Game ends when all battleship are sunk.
- Exception handling
Elton - Player 1
John - Player 2
(0,0);(0,1) - Position of Player 1 ship of length 2
(6,7);(7,7);(8,7) - Position of Player 1 ship of length 3
(3,3);(3,4);(3,5);(3,6) - Position of Player 1 ship of length 4
(5,9);(6,9);(7,9);(8,9);(9,9) - Position of Player 1 ship of length 5
(0,0);(0,1) - Position of Player 2 ship of length 2
(1,1);(1,2);(1,3) - Position of Player 2 ship of length 3
(2,1);(3,1);(4,1);(5,1) - Position of Player 2 ship of length 4
(3,2);(4,2);(5,2);(6,2);(7,2) - Position of Player 2 ship of length 5
cabal build cabal run