Meteoalarm serves as an API wrapper for, a platform delivering hydrometeorological warnings across the European region. This gem simplifies the process of retrieving warnings based on country, specific coordinates or area, along with a few additional options.
Add this line to your Gemfile:
gem 'meteoalarm'
And then execute:
bundle install
Or install it directly:
gem install meteoalarm
require 'meteoalarm'
# Get alarms for a specific country by its ISO 3166-1 A-2 code
Meteoalarm::Client.alarms('FR', **options) # Example: France
: Check alarms for a specific coordinates.:area
: Check alarms for a specific area.:active_now
: Check currently active alarms.:date
: Check alarms by date.:expired
: Include expired alarms.
require 'meteoalarm'
# Check alarms by coordinates
Meteoalarm::Client.alarms('FR', latitude: 48.84307, longitude: 2.33662)
# Check alarms by area
Meteoalarm::Client.alarms('FR', area: 'Paris')
# Check future alarms
Meteoalarm::Client.alarms('FR', future_alarms: true)
# Check currently active alarms
Meteoalarm::Client.alarms('FR', active_now: true)
# Check alarms by date
Meteoalarm::Client.alarms('FR', date:, 1, 21))
# Include expired alarms
Meteoalarm::Client.alarms('FR', expired: true)
# Or combine the options
Meteoalarm::Client.alarms('FR', area: 'Paris', active_now: true)
[{:areaDesc=>"Paris", :geocode=>[{:value=>"FR101", :valueName=>"NUTS3"}]},
{:areaDesc=>"Seine-Maritime", :geocode=>[{:value=>"FR232", :valueName=>"NUTS3"}]},
{:areaDesc=>"Seine-et-Marne", :geocode=>[{:value=>"FR102", :valueName=>"NUTS3"}]}],
"Des phénomènes habituels dans la région mais occasionnellement et localement dangereux sont prévus (exemple : mistral, orage d'été, montée des eaux, fortes vagues submergeant le littoral).",
:event=>"Vigilance jaune neige-verglas",
:headline=>"Vigilance jaune neige-verglas",
"Soyez attentifs si vous pratiquez des activités sensibles au risque météorologique ou à proximité d'un rivage ou d'un cours d'eau. Tenez-vous au courant de l'évolution de la situation.",
:parameter=>[{:value=>"2; yellow; Moderate", :valueName=>"awareness_level"},
{:value=>"2; snow-ice", :valueName=>"awareness_type"}],
[{:areaDesc=>"Paris", :geocode=>[{:value=>"FR101", :valueName=>"NUTS3"}]},
{:areaDesc=>"Seine-Maritime", :geocode=>[{:value=>"FR232", :valueName=>"NUTS3"}]},
{:areaDesc=>"Seine-et-Marne", :geocode=>[{:value=>"FR102", :valueName=>"NUTS3"}]}],
:description=>"Moderate damages may occur, especially in vulnerable or in exposed areas and to people who carry out weather-related activities.",
:event=>"Moderate snow-ice warning",
:headline=>"Moderate snow-ice warning",
:instruction=>"Be careful, keep informed of the latest weather forecast.",
:parameter=>[{:value=>"2; yellow; Moderate", :valueName=>"awareness_level"},
{:value=>"2; snow-ice", :valueName=>"awareness_type"}],
:sender=>"[email protected]",
Contains one warning for one or more areas.identifier
String which uniquely identifies the CAP (Common Alerting Protocol within
Contains warning in a single language, with a separate segment for each translation.area
Container for all component parts in particular for thegeocode
Human-readable description of the areas affected by the warning.geocode
Affected areas according to specifications.
Code denoting the category of the warning (Met - Meteorological warning (including floods)).certainty
Type of event (Observed, Likely, Possible, Unlikely).contact
Contact information.description
Warning text message.effective
Date and time when the warning has been issued.event
Will be populated with information derived fromawareness_types
(Wind, Thunderstorm4, Fog, etc.) andawareness_level
(Minor, Moderate, Severe, Extreme).expires
Date and time for the ending of the warning.headline
A brief human-readable headline (160 characters).instruction
Text describing recommended actions to be taken.language
Specification of language forinfo
Date and time for the beginning of the warning.parameter specific code indicating awareness type and alert level.responseType
Code denoting the type of action recommended (Evacuate, Avoid, Monitor, etc.).severity
Derived from the MeteoAlarmawareness_level
Human-readable name of the originator of the warning message.urgency
Urgency of the event (Immediate, Expected, Future, Past).web
Link to website for additional information related to the warning.
Used to distinguish between new warnings, updates or cancellation of warnings (Alert, Update, Cancel, etc.).scope
Used to distinguish between public and restricted warning information (Public, Restricted, etc.).sender
Email address of originator of warning.sent
Date and time when CAP warning message has been sent.status
Used to distinguish between actual and test messages (Actual, Test, etc.).
For more information please visit Meteoalarm Redistribution Hub.
To incorporate Meteoalarm rake tasks into your project, include the following code in your Rakefile
require 'meteoalarm'
spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_name 'meteoalarm'
Dir.glob("#{spec.gem_dir}/lib/meteoalarm/tasks/*.rake").each { |f| import f }
By adding this code, you will gain access to the following rake tasks:
rake meteoalarm:countries
List all countries in Meteoalarm system
rake meteoalarm:areas
List all areas of given COUNTRY_CODE in Meteoalarm system
Your contributions are welcome and appreciated. If you find issues or have improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.