Desktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework
Asynchronous Http and WebSocket Client library for Java
Android USB host serial driver library for CDC, FTDI, Arduino and other devices.
AndroidIDE is an IDE for Android to develop full featured Android apps.
a 2d Java physics engine, native java port of the C++ physics engines Box2D and LiquidFun
A continuation of the popular Artemis ECS framework
Android Design Preview is a tool that lets you mirror a portion of your desktop to your device. Useful for visual designers as well as developers, this tool can help streamline your high-fidelity m…
A complete zero-dependency implementation of a web server and a servlet container in Java with a sample Android application.
GLTF 2.0 3D format support and PBR shader implementation for LibGDX
The modularized backend boilerplate based on Spring Boot Framework, easy to get started and add your business part.
Remake of the Super Jumper libgdx demo using Ashley
A libGDX mechanism to manipulate colors in powerful ways
Example Play application showing Java with Ebean
Source code for 'Beginning Android Games, Third Edition' by Mario Zechner, J. F. DiMarzio, and Robert Green
payintech / play-ebean
Forked from playframework/play-ebeanPlay Ebean module
Start an embedded MySQL before the `DataSource` is loaded
libGDX project template with optimized performance in IDE
Do you want ability to work in modern Android Studio and continue working from mobile device? Here it is. Using gradle in Android Studio and eclipse project files in AIDE