#THC #CardWallet #wallet #Guides #how-to #cardano #Ethereum #Bitcoin
Review on : 9 March 2023
![[Pasted image 20221013121650.png]]
Chrome extension, Web UI, iOS and Android apps..
**Crypto assets' value can be seen in a wide variety of FIAT currencies
Multi-chain Support Supports Cardano, ERC-20 tokens, Bitcoin and many other assets
Buy and Sell Crypto Supports Mastercard, Visa and Applepay ( transaction fees will be applied )
Liquidity Mining
This wallet is not open-source.
NFTs and Tokens are not visible on the wallet.
There is no address book support.
Short article about liquidity mining https://medium.com/cardwallet/cardwallets-liquidity-mining-launched-a-step-by-step-tutorial-ae30a4a75f88
- Tokenomics
![[Pasted image 20221013133736.png]]
No support
CardWallet supports 12-15-18-24 word seed phrases
The biggest feature of CardWallet is that it supports many tokens in the Ethereum and Cardano network. There are send and receive options for these assets.
![[Pasted image 20221013140518.png]] ![[Pasted image 20221013140555.png]]
- CardWallet social media activity stopped in May 2022.