If you're on a Linux host, make sure you have jre 8. For example, on ubuntu:
$ sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
!!! tip Multiple JDKs If you have multiple jdk's installed, select jre 8 with: ``` # print available versions $ update-java-alternatives --list
# select openjdk-8, eg:
$ sudo update-java-alternatives --set /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64
Download Android Studio or at least the Android command line tools from Google
After installing (to eg ~/android-studio
), launch studio and follow the
wizard. It will prompt for a path to install the SDK component to; this can
be anywhere, eg ~/android-sdk
From Android studio, open the SDK manager (the icon looks like a down arrow and the head of the Android logo) and install Android 8.1, Android 8.0, Android 5.0, Android 7.1, NDK, Android SDK Tools, Android SDK Platform-Tools, Android Support Library, LLDB, CMake, Android SDK Build-Tools, and everything under the Support Library header. You can skip the emulator images to save some disk space.
Check the project's gradle files to see which version of the NDK is referenced (the current version should be: 21.0.6113669)
Alternatively, on Linux, you can install the SDK components from the command line:
$ sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager \
'platforms;android-26' \
'platforms;android-21' \
'platforms;android-25' \
'platforms;android-26' \
'platforms;android-27' \
'platforms;android-28' \
'platforms;android-29' \
'ndk;21.0.6113669' \
'cmake;3.6.4111459' \
'lldb;3.0' \
'build-tools;27.0.3' \
'platform-tools' \
'extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.2' \
'extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.2' \
'extras;android;m2repository' \
environment variable to point to the SDK directory (eg
export ANDROID_HOME=~/android-sdk
in your ~/.bashrc
To build the core library, run
$ inv android.library.build
To build the Host App, open Android Studio and import the Golden Gate project,
which lives in platform/android/goldengate
Now you can run and/or debug the app from Android studio.
Alternatively, you can build the Host App from the command line:
$ inv android.host.build
which produces an APK at
which you can install with adb install app-debug.apk
If you wish to build the library and Host App with one command, run:
$ inv android.build
See the Android Host App documentation.