Identifying users across social networks
Code written in Augustin Chaintreau's COMS 6998 Social Networks at Columbia University, Fall 2014.
Task 1: Given two graphs G1, G2, outputs all (u,v) pairs that predict u and v to represent the same person, where u \in G1 and v \in G2
Algorithm: Modification from this paper:
Task 2: Given check in data (includes time and place) N1, N2, outputs all (u,v) pairs that predict u and v to represent the same person, where u \in user ids of N1 and v \in user ids of N2.
I implemented a time independent multinomiali model. For Erdos random graphs generated from real check in data, I empirically found an optimal parameter alpha* to be 0.00005, which gave 94% accuracy. See paper