flutter_deepspeech Eqra Version (Al Fateha)
EQRATECH.COM | Feras Melhem | 0799449242
1- add to (pubspec.yaml) :
1- 1- under dependencies (maybe you need to change username) ":
flutter_deepspeech :
git :
url : https :// feras_m @bitbucket .org / feras_m / flutter_deepspeech .git
ref : master
1- 2- under assets (copy assets file from example of the project) then add below to pubspec.yaml ":
assets :
- assets / arabic .scorer
- assets / arabic .tfliter
## #### ## #### ## #### ## ## # ## #### ## #### ## #### ##
2- add (android/app/build.gradle) in dependencies (last line) :
implementation fileTree (dir : 'libs' , include : ['*.jar' ])
## #### ## #### ## #### ## ## # ## #### ## #### ## #### ##
3- add (android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml) in :
< uses - permission android :name = "android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" / >
< uses - permission android :name = "android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" / >
## #### ## #### ## #### ## ## # ## #### ## #### ## #### ##
4- in (android/app/src/main/kotlin//MainActivity.kt) :
4- 1- before import add ":
import android .Manifest
import android .content .pm .PackageManager
import android .os .Build
import android .os .Bundle
import android .os .PersistableBundle
import androidx .core .app .ActivityCompat
4- 2- inside "Flutter Activiy()){ ":
private fun checkAudioPermission () {
// Permission is automatically granted on SDK < 23 upon installation .
if (Build .VERSION .SDK_INT >= 23 ) {
val permission = Manifest .permission .RECORD_AUDIO
if (checkSelfPermission (permission ) != PackageManager .PERMISSION_GRANTED ) {
ActivityCompat .requestPermissions (this , arrayOf (permission ), 3 )
override fun onCreate (savedInstanceState : Bundle ?) {
super .onCreate (savedInstanceState )
checkAudioPermission ()
## #### ## #### ## #### ## #### ## #### ## #### ## #### ## #### ## #### ##
then in main or any lib file use the example down :
import 'dart:io' ;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart' ;
import 'dart:async' ;
import 'package:flutter/services.dart' ;
import 'package:flutter_deepspeech/flutter_deepspeech.dart' ;
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart' ;
void main () {
runApp (MyApp ());
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
_MyAppState createState () = > _MyAppState ();
class _MyAppState extends State < MyApp > {
String recognizedText = '' ;
bool initialized = false ;
bool recognizing = false ;
StreamSubscription partialResultsSubscription ;
Future < File > ensureFileInDir (String fileName , String dirPath ) async {
final file = File ("$dirPath/$fileName" );
final exists = await file .exists ();
if (exists ) {
print ("$fileName in dir" );
return file ;
final fileBytes = await rootBundle .load ("assets/$fileName" );
final buffer = fileBytes .buffer ;
await file .writeAsBytes (
buffer .asUint8List (fileBytes .offsetInBytes , fileBytes .lengthInBytes ));
print ("$fileName moved from assets folder" );
return file ;
Future < void > initDeepSpeech () async {
final docDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory ();
final model = await ensureFileInDir ("arabic.tflite" , docDir .path );
final scorer = await ensureFileInDir ("arabic.scorer" , docDir .path );
await FlutterDeepSpeech .init (model .path , 4096 , scorer .path );
void initState () {
super .initState ();
initDeepSpeech ().then ((value ) {
setState (() {
initialized = true ;
partialResultsSubscription =
FlutterDeepSpeech .partialResults .listen ((event ) {
setState (() {
recognizedText = event ;
void dispose () {
super .dispose ();
partialResultsSubscription ?.cancel ();
Future < void > buttonHandler () async {
if (!recognizing ){
await FlutterDeepSpeech .start ();
setState (() {
recognizedText = "" ;
} else {
final finalResult = await FlutterDeepSpeech .finish ();
print ("Final result: $finalResult" );
setState (() {
recognizedText = finalResult ;
setState (() {
recognizing = !recognizing ;
Widget build (BuildContext context ) {
return MaterialApp (
home : Scaffold (
appBar : AppBar (
title : const Text ('Flutter DeepSpeech Demo' ),
body : Center (
child : Column (
children : [
Spacer (),
Text ('Recognized: $recognizedText\n ' ,
style :
TextStyle (fontSize : 23.0 , fontWeight : FontWeight .bold )),
SizedBox (height : 50.0 ),
Container (
child : initialized
? RaisedButton (
child : Text (recognizing ? "STOP" : "START" ),
onPressed : buttonHandler )
: null ),
Spacer ()