In the previous lab we configured a disconnected registry and httpd cache for RHCOS images. This will allow us to test our disconnected OpenShift deploy in this section of the lab. But before we begin lets look at a few parts of the install-config.yaml configuration file. In the file we can see there some interesting sections and attributes which we call out with the "<===" notation below:
[lab-user@provision scripts]$ cat install-config.yaml
apiVersion: v1
name: schmaustech <===CLUSTER NAME
networkType: OpenShiftSDN <===NETWORK SDN TO USE ON DEPLOY
- name: worker
name: master
baremetal: {}
provisioningNetworkInterface: ens3
- name: master-0
role: master
address: ipmi://
username: admin
password: redhat
bootMACAddress: de:ad:be:ef:00:40
hardwareProfile: openstack
- name: master-1
role: master
address: ipmi://
username: admin
password: redhat
bootMACAddress: de:ad:be:ef:00:41
hardwareProfile: openstack
- name: master-2
role: master
address: ipmi://
username: admin
password: redhat
bootMACAddress: de:ad:be:ef:00:42
hardwareProfile: openstack
- name: worker-0
role: worker
address: ipmi://
username: admin
password: redhat
bootMACAddress: de:ad:be:ef:00:50
hardwareProfile: openstack
- name: worker-1
role: worker
address: ipmi://
username: admin
password: redhat
bootMACAddress: de:ad:be:ef:00:51
hardwareProfile: openstack
sshKey: 'ssh-rsa REDACTED SSH KEY lab-user@provision'
- mirrors:
- mirrors:
additionalTrustBundle: |
Now that we have examined the install-config.yaml we are ready to proceed with the deployment. However before starting the deploy we should always make sure that the master and worker baremetal nodes we are going to use are in a powered off state:
[lab-user@provision scripts]$ for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5
/usr/bin/ipmitool -I lanplus -H10.20.0.3 -p620$i -Uadmin -Predhat chassis power off
Chassis Power Control: Down/Off
Chassis Power Control: Down/Off
Chassis Power Control: Down/Off
Chassis Power Control: Down/Off
Chassis Power Control: Down/Off
Chassis Power Control: Down/Off
[lab-user@provision scripts]$
NOTE: These commands may fail (
Unable to set Chassis Power Control to Down/Off
), if the load on the underlying infrastructure is too high. If this happens, simply re-run the "script" until it succeeds for all nodes.
We're going to install the cluster using two steps, one to create the manifests and one to install the cluster. Generating the manifests separately like this isn't necessary as it is done automatically when we run a create cluster
. However it's interesting to be able to see these files so we've done it to allow you a chance to explore! Additionally, if you had more configuration files this would be where you would add them.
Ok, let's create our cluster state directory:
[lab-user@provision scripts]$ mkdir $HOME/scripts/ocp
And place our install-config.yaml file into it:
[lab-user@provision scripts]$ cp $HOME/scripts/install-config.yaml $HOME/scripts/ocp
NOTE: The installer will consume the install-config.yaml and remove the file from the state direcrtory. If you have not saved it somewhere else you can regenerate it with
openshift-baremetal-install create install-config --dir=ocp
on a running cluster.
[lab-user@provision scripts]$ $HOME/scripts/openshift-baremetal-install --dir=ocp --log-level debug create manifests
DEBUG OpenShift Installer 4.5.12
DEBUG Built from commit 9893a482f310ee72089872f1a4caea3dbec34f28
DEBUG Fetching Master Machines...
DEBUG Loading Master Machines...
DEBUG Loading Private Cluster Outbound Service...
DEBUG Loading Baremetal Config CR...
DEBUG Loading Image...
WARNING Discarding the Openshift Manifests that was provided in the target directory because its dependencies are dirty and it needs to be regenerated
DEBUG Fetching Install Config...
DEBUG Reusing previously-fetched Install Config
DEBUG Fetching Cluster ID...
DEBUG Reusing previously-fetched Cluster ID
DEBUG Fetching Kubeadmin Password...
DEBUG Generating Kubeadmin Password...
DEBUG Fetching OpenShift Install (Manifests)...
DEBUG Generating OpenShift Install (Manifests)...
DEBUG Fetching CloudCredsSecret...
DEBUG Generating CloudCredsSecret...
DEBUG Fetching KubeadminPasswordSecret...
DEBUG Generating KubeadminPasswordSecret...
DEBUG Fetching RoleCloudCredsSecretReader...
DEBUG Generating RoleCloudCredsSecretReader...
DEBUG Fetching Private Cluster Outbound Service...
DEBUG Generating Private Cluster Outbound Service...
DEBUG Fetching Baremetal Config CR...
DEBUG Generating Baremetal Config CR...
DEBUG Fetching Image...
DEBUG Reusing previously-fetched Image
DEBUG Generating Openshift Manifests...
If we look in the manifests directory we can see there are all sorts of configuration items. As mentioned, additonal configruation could be placed here for customizations of the cluster before actually kicking off the deploy:
[lab-user@provision scripts]$ ls -l $HOME/scripts/ocp/manifests/
total 116
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 169 Oct 14 11:08 04-openshift-machine-config-operator.yaml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 6309 Oct 14 11:08 cluster-config.yaml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 154 Oct 14 11:08 cluster-dns-02-config.yml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 542 Oct 14 11:08 cluster-infrastructure-02-config.yml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 159 Oct 14 11:08 cluster-ingress-02-config.yml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 513 Oct 14 11:08 cluster-network-01-crd.yml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 272 Oct 14 11:08 cluster-network-02-config.yml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 142 Oct 14 11:08 cluster-proxy-01-config.yaml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 171 Oct 14 11:08 cluster-scheduler-02-config.yml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 264 Oct 14 11:08 cvo-overrides.yaml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 1335 Oct 14 11:08 etcd-ca-bundle-configmap.yaml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 3962 Oct 14 11:08 etcd-client-secret.yaml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 423 Oct 14 11:08 etcd-host-service-endpoints.yaml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 271 Oct 14 11:08 etcd-host-service.yaml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 4009 Oct 14 11:08 etcd-metric-client-secret.yaml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 1359 Oct 14 11:08 etcd-metric-serving-ca-configmap.yaml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 3921 Oct 14 11:08 etcd-metric-signer-secret.yaml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 156 Oct 14 11:08 etcd-namespace.yaml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 334 Oct 14 11:08 etcd-service.yaml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 1336 Oct 14 11:08 etcd-serving-ca-configmap.yaml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 3894 Oct 14 11:08 etcd-signer-secret.yaml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 301 Oct 14 11:08 image-content-source-policy-0.yaml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 296 Oct 14 11:08 image-content-source-policy-1.yaml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 118 Oct 14 11:08 kube-cloud-config.yaml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 1304 Oct 14 11:08 kube-system-configmap-root-ca.yaml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 4094 Oct 14 11:08 machine-config-server-tls-secret.yaml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 3993 Oct 14 11:08 openshift-config-secret-pull-secret.yaml
-rw-r-----. 1 lab-user users 2411 Oct 14 11:08 user-ca-bundle-config.yaml
We have now arrived at the point where we can run the create cluster
argument for the install command to deploy our baremetal cluster. This process will take about ~60-90 minutes to complete so have tmux running is you want to avoid network issues causing problems! :)
REMINDER: Don't forget to use tmux!
[lab-user@provision scripts]$ $HOME/scripts/openshift-baremetal-install --dir=ocp --log-level debug create cluster
DEBUG OpenShift Installer 4.5.12
DEBUG Built from commit 9893a482f310ee72089872f1a4caea3dbec34f28
DEBUG Fetching Metadata...
DEBUG Loading Metadata...
DEBUG Loading Cluster ID...
DEBUG Loading Install Config...
DEBUG Loading SSH Key...
DEBUG Loading Base Domain...
DEBUG Loading Platform...
DEBUG Loading Cluster Name...
DEBUG Loading Base Domain...
DEBUG Loading Platform...
DEBUG Loading Pull Secret...
DEBUG Loading Platform...
DEBUG Using Install Config loaded from state file
DEBUG Using Cluster ID loaded from state file
INFO Obtaining RHCOS image file from ''
INFO The file was found in cache: /home/lab-user/.cache/openshift-installer/image_cache/ad57fdbef98553f778ac17b95b094a1a. Reusing...
INFO Consuming OpenShift Install (Manifests) from target directory
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_node_v1.openshift-master-host[1]: Still creating... [2m10s elapsed]
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_node_v1.openshift-master-host[0]: Still creating... [2m10s elapsed]
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_node_v1.openshift-master-host[2]: Still creating... [2m10s elapsed]
DEBUG module.bootstrap.libvirt_volume.bootstrap: Still creating... [2m10s elapsed]
DEBUG module.bootstrap.libvirt_ignition.bootstrap: Still creating... [2m10s elapsed]
DEBUG module.bootstrap.libvirt_volume.bootstrap: Creation complete after 2m17s [id=/var/lib/libvirt/images/schmaustech-mhnfj-bootstrap]
DEBUG module.bootstrap.libvirt_ignition.bootstrap: Creation complete after 2m17s [id=/var/lib/libvirt/images/schmaustech-mhnfj-bootstrap.ign;5f7b64ba-cc8f-cec4-bf8c-47a4883c9bf6]
DEBUG module.bootstrap.libvirt_domain.bootstrap: Creating...
DEBUG module.bootstrap.libvirt_domain.bootstrap: Creation complete after 1s [id=008b263f-363d-4685-a2ca-e8852e3b5d05]
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_node_v1.openshift-master-host[0]: Creation complete after 24m20s [id=63c12136-0605-4b0b-a2b3-b53b992b8189]
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_node_v1.openshift-master-host[1]: Still creating... [24m21s elapsed]
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_node_v1.openshift-master-host[2]: Still creating... [24m21s elapsed]
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_node_v1.openshift-master-host[1]: Still creating... [24m31s elapsed]
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_node_v1.openshift-master-host[2]: Still creating... [24m31s elapsed]
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_node_v1.openshift-master-host[2]: Still creating... [24m41s elapsed]
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_node_v1.openshift-master-host[1]: Still creating... [24m41s elapsed]
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_node_v1.openshift-master-host[2]: Creation complete after 24m41s [id=a84a8327-3ecc-440c-91a2-fcf6546ab1f1]
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_node_v1.openshift-master-host[1]: Still creating... [24m51s elapsed]
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_node_v1.openshift-master-host[1]: Still creating... [25m1s elapsed]
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_node_v1.openshift-master-host[1]: Creation complete after 25m2s [id=cb208530-0ff9-4946-bd11-b514190a56c1]
DEBUG[0]: Refreshing state...
DEBUG[2]: Refreshing state...
DEBUG[1]: Refreshing state...
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_allocation_v1.openshift-master-allocation[0]: Creating...
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_allocation_v1.openshift-master-allocation[2]: Creating...
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_allocation_v1.openshift-master-allocation[1]: Creating...
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_allocation_v1.openshift-master-allocation[1]: Creation complete after 2s [id=5920c1cc-4e14-4563-b9a4-12618ca315ba]
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_allocation_v1.openshift-master-allocation[2]: Creation complete after 3s [id=9f371836-b9bd-4bd1-9e6d-d604c6c9d1b8]
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_allocation_v1.openshift-master-allocation[0]: Creation complete after 3s [id=0537b2e4-8ba4-42a4-9f93-0a138444ae42]
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_deployment.openshift-master-deployment[0]: Creating...
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_deployment.openshift-master-deployment[1]: Creating...
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_deployment.openshift-master-deployment[2]: Creating...
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_deployment.openshift-master-deployment[0]: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_deployment.openshift-master-deployment[2]: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_deployment.openshift-master-deployment[1]: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_deployment.openshift-master-deployment[0]: Still creating... [9m0s elapsed]
DEBUG module.masters.ironic_deployment.openshift-master-deployment[0]: Creation complete after 9m4s [id=63c12136-0605-4b0b-a2b3-b53b992b8189]
DEBUG Apply complete! Resources: 12 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
DEBUG OpenShift Installer 4.5.12
DEBUG Built from commit 0d5c871ce7d03f3d03ab4371dc39916a5415cf5c
INFO Waiting up to 20m0s for the Kubernetes API at
INFO API v1.18.3+6c42de8 up
INFO Waiting up to 40m0s for bootstrapping to complete...
DEBUG Bootstrap status: complete
INFO Destroying the bootstrap resources...
DEBUG Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Working towards 4.5.12
DEBUG Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Working towards 4.5.12: downloading update
DEBUG Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Working towards 4.5.12: 0% complete
DEBUG Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Working towards 4.5.12: 41% complete
DEBUG Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Working towards 4.5.12: 57% complete
DEBUG Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Some cluster operators are still updating: authentication, console, csi-snapshot-controller, ingress, kube-storage-version-migrator, monitoring
DEBUG Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Working towards 4.5.12: 86% complete
DEBUG Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Working towards 4.5.12: 86% complete
DEBUG Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Working towards 4.5.12: 86% complete
DEBUG Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Working towards 4.5.12: 92% complete
DEBUG Cluster is initialized
INFO Waiting up to 10m0s for the openshift-console route to be created...
DEBUG Route found in openshift-console namespace: console
DEBUG Route found in openshift-console namespace: downloads
DEBUG OpenShift console route is created
INFO Install complete!
INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=/home/lab-user/scripts/ocp/auth/kubeconfig'
INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here:
INFO Login to the console with user: "kubeadmin", and password: "5VGM2-uMov3-4N2Vi-n5i3H"
DEBUG Time elapsed per stage:
DEBUG Infrastructure: 34m17s
DEBUG Bootstrap Complete: 35m56s
DEBUG Bootstrap Destroy: 10s
DEBUG Cluster Operators: 38m6s
INFO Time elapsed: 1h48m36s
Note: Skip this section and go right to "Deployment Success" if your install succeed as indicated above!
If your deployment ends with any FATAL or ERROR lines such as:
DEBUG Still waiting for the cluster to initialize: Cluster operator console is reporting a failure: RouteHealthDegraded: failed to GET route ( Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
ERROR Cluster operator authentication Degraded is True with RouteHealth_FailedGet: RouteHealthDegraded: failed to GET route: EOF
INFO Cluster operator authentication Progressing is Unknown with NoData:
INFO Cluster operator authentication Available is Unknown with NoData:
ERROR Cluster operator console Degraded is True with RouteHealth_StatusError: RouteHealthDegraded: route not yet available, returns
'503 Service Unavailable'
INFO Cluster operator console Progressing is True with SyncLoopRefresh_InProgress: SyncLoopRefreshProgressing: Working toward version 4.5.12
INFO Cluster operator console Available is False with Deployment_InsufficientReplicas: DeploymentAvailable: 0 pods available for console deployment
INFO Cluster operator insights Disabled is False with :
FATAL failed to initialize the cluster: Cluster operator console is reporting a failure: RouteHealthDegraded: failed to GET route ( Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) will need to carry out a few additional tasks to help complete the installation:
Check if the nodes are in a "Ready" state:
[lab-user@provision scripts]$ oc --kubeconfig $HOME/scripts/ocp/auth/kubeconfig get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION Ready master 81m v1.18.3+47c0e71 Ready master 81m v1.18.3+47c0e71 Ready master 81m v1.18.3+47c0e71 Ready worker 40m v1.18.3+47c0e71 Ready worker 39m v1.18.3+47c0e71
If any nodes report "NotReady" please run the specially prepared script at
on the provisioning host:[lab-user@provision scripts]$ sh $HOME/scripts/ (no output)
NOTE: If all of the nodes are in a "Ready State" a shown above you do not need to run this script, but it won't harm if you have done so - it will noop if all of your nodes are "Ready".
Kill the CoreDNS pods (they'll be automatically respawned, but we've seen DNS errors cause deployment failures) in the
namespace:[lab-user@provision scripts]$ for i in $(oc --kubeconfig $HOME/scripts/ocp/auth/kubeconfig get pods -A | awk '/coredns/ {print $2;}'); \ do oc --kubeconfig $HOME/scripts/ocp/auth/kubeconfig delete pod $i -n openshift-kni-infra; done pod "" deleted pod "" deleted pod "" deleted pod "" deleted pod "" deleted
Rerun the installer with the
wait-for install-complete
options:[lab-user@provision scripts]$ $HOME/scripts/openshift-baremetal-install \ --dir=/home/lab-user/scripts/ocp --log-level debug wait-for install-complete
This will reconnect to the installation process and allow you to again see the progress:
DEBUG OpenShift Installer 4.5.12 DEBUG Built from commit 9893a482f310ee72089872f1a4caea3dbec34f28 DEBUG Fetching Install Config... DEBUG Loading Install Config... DEBUG Loading SSH Key... DEBUG Loading Base Domain... DEBUG Loading Platform... DEBUG Loading Cluster Name... DEBUG Loading Base Domain... DEBUG Loading Platform... DEBUG Loading Pull Secret... DEBUG Loading Platform... DEBUG Using Install Config loaded from state file DEBUG Reusing previously-fetched Install Config INFO Waiting up to 1h0m0s for the cluster at to initialize...
Eventually (likely not more than 15-20 minutes, but please contact a lab support person if you have issues and/or questions) you'll get the cluster success and connection details as shown above. You can then move on to the "Deployment Success" section!
Once the cluster has successfully deployed at the end of the logging you will be presented with cluster command line information and also the login for the OpenShift console. Make sure to record those details somewhere convenient for later use. In the example above we seem them in these lines:
INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here:
INFO Login to the console with user: "kubeadmin", and password: "5VGM2-uMov3-4N2Vi-n5i3H"
Where the console is and the user to login is kubeadmin and the password is 5VGM2-uMov3-4N2Vi-n5i3H (your's will be different than these of course). We can also interact with the cluster easily via the command line using the oc
command. Before we run the oc
commands we need to export the KUBECONFIG variable:
[lab-user@provision ~]$ export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/scripts/ocp/auth/kubeconfig
Now we can validate and confirm we have a 3 master and 2 worker cluster instantiated by issuing the oc get nodes
[lab-user@provision scripts]$ oc get nodes
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION Ready master 79m v1.18.3+47c0e71 Ready master 79m v1.18.3+47c0e71 Ready master 79m v1.18.3+47c0e71 Ready worker 57m v1.18.3+47c0e71 Ready worker 58m v1.18.3+47c0e71
Further we can also confirm all the cluster operators are functional and available by looking at the oc get clusteroperators
[lab-user@provision scripts]$ oc get clusteroperators
authentication 4.5.12 True False False 3m15s
cloud-credential 4.5.12 True False False 52m
cluster-autoscaler 4.5.12 True False False 31m
config-operator 4.5.12 True False False 31m
console 4.5.12 True False False 8m45s
csi-snapshot-controller 4.5.12 True False False 14m
dns 4.5.12 True False False 38m
etcd 4.5.12 True False False 38m
image-registry 4.5.12 True False False 55s
ingress 4.5.12 True False False 15m
insights 4.5.12 True False False 34m
kube-apiserver 4.5.12 True False False 37m
kube-controller-manager 4.5.12 True False False 38m
kube-scheduler 4.5.12 True False False 37m
kube-storage-version-migrator 4.5.12 True False False 15m
machine-api 4.5.12 True False False 26m
machine-approver 4.5.12 True False False 37m
machine-config 4.5.12 True False False 39m
marketplace 4.5.12 True False False 12m
monitoring 4.5.12 True False False 14m
network 4.5.12 True False False 39m
node-tuning 4.5.12 True False False 39m
openshift-apiserver 4.5.12 True False False 15m
openshift-controller-manager 4.5.12 True False False 32m
openshift-samples 4.5.12 True False False 15m
operator-lifecycle-manager 4.5.12 True False False 39m
operator-lifecycle-manager-catalog 4.5.12 True False False 39m
operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver 4.5.12 True False False 15m
service-ca 4.5.12 True False False 39m
storage 4.5.12 True False False 34m
Finally, we need to patch the Image Registry Operator. In a production environment the Image Registry Operator needs to be configured with shared storage; however, since this is a lab we can just configure it with an empty directory:
[lab-user@provision ~]$ oc patch cluster --type merge \
--patch '{"spec":{"storage":{"emptyDir":{}}}}' patched
[lab-user@provision ~]$ oc patch cluster --type merge \
--patch '{"spec":{"managementState":"Managed"}}' patched
Once the above is configured we should be able to see the pods related to the Image Registry Operator:
[lab-user@provision ~]$ oc get pod -n openshift-image-registry
cluster-image-registry-operator-574467db97-rkzb4 2/2 Running 0 18h
image-pruner-1601942400-wbkxx 0/1 Completed 0 14h
image-registry-6fbc9d5597-lkt79 1/1 Running 0 18m
node-ca-255lq 1/1 Running 0 18h
node-ca-2hd5t 1/1 Running 0 18h
node-ca-8wc2g 1/1 Running 0 18h
node-ca-ktzl6 1/1 Running 0 18h
node-ca-vmcq2 1/1 Running 0 18h
At this point you are now ready to move onto the next lab where we will look at the Machine Config Operator (aka Baremetal Operator). Continue to the Baremetal Operator lab!