- format with dict not working for website gradient example
backgroundImage: LAY.take("repeating-linear-gradient(310deg, #{purpleTheme}, #{purpleTheme} 50px,
#{darkPurpleTheme} 50px , #{darkPurpleTheme} 100px )").format( { purpleTheme: LAY.take("/", "data.purpleTheme"), darkPurpleTheme: LAY.take("/", "data.purpleTheme").colorDarken(0.04) } ), - colorequals
- inherit within inherit (object)
- make lson readonly (i.e makes clones of color and objects. addChildren duplicate data/row (use lson for readonly)
- change native input causestextarea resize not to happen immediately (check file:///Users/raj/git/LayJS/LayJS/tmp/autosizetextarea/index.html)
- add $extfonts, $page, $view to lazy level
- repeat ids should throw error
- delay causes animation problems
- filter (many-type prop) defaults
- LAY.Take.markdown method
- color name direct convert from string
- (tmp/video.html) lazy defaultize many lson fargs which are mentioned in states but not otherwise
- what if "$hovering" or any of the event binding events is called from attr() after having themselves deferenced then what happens?
- checkIsValidUtils.isExpanderAttr() <- make similar to prevent takes of "$type", "$inherit", "$obdurate"
- remove link type, link and image within same level
- error: check if explicit type such as "html" has no given prop
- error: undefined text string val (ie not a string)
- error: unknown formation known
- update format string doc (option for object argument)
- row key has take (should update "rows" attr)
- states..onlyif should refer to .onlyif
- $hash, $pathname, etc
- Add "$i" index for Many to spec
- formation spec (include part for creating formations)
- add LAY.level.changeNativeInput/ScrollX/Y() to spec
- update spec to have quotes around state names
- "^Create/Poll")
- do coded create turf (coloring off)
- lazy initiation for root state prop (eg:"root.textSize" === "textSize")
- test for popstate (url) change
- add "style" prop
- add input range
- switching between exist bug (zone app)
- take.replace
- lay.take testing
- image without height/width
- naturalWidth/Height of video
- add input range
- LAY.Many.rowsMap(fn, query)
- exist delay
- LAY.view method
- investigate "-text-size-adjust"
- allow state name "all"
- formation dict? {x,y,z,rotateX,rotateY,rotateZ,skewX,skewY, scaleX, scaleY}
- grid formation fill vertically, vgrid?
- fix bug of rows containing duplicate objects
- objectEqual(a, b, m) [remove 3rd arg m]
- check for illegal characters id val
- take.colorRed -> take.colorSetRed? or take.colorGetRed? (clarify)
- video controls $readonly (eg: $videoMuted)
- IE ms-filter
- IE7 text width issue
- optimize by putting "right" and "bottom" at end (or atleast after left, top, width, and height) of recalculate attr list
- < img > srcset
- LAY.transparent() -> LAY.transparent ?
- selective inheritance where part of lson is inherited eg: ($inherit: [{level:"../Button", keys: ["props", "when"]}] )
- CSS pointer-events optimization
- CSS will-change optimization
- HTML5 aria
- natural width and height dependent upon the rotation of Z axis of children.
- move
outside of AttrVal (move to Level) to save space - Add $time as a read only property of root '/'
- $numberOfChildren, $numberOfDisplayedChildren
- Add support for other HTML5 input types
- 'when' for formation, it should include function handler for insertion of new item into the formation alongwith deletion.
- poor scrolling GPU performance:
- "-moz-user-select" unactivated from JS