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#slim-jsonAPI This is an extention to the SLIM framework to implement json API's with great ease.

##instalation Using composer you can add use this as your composer.json

        "require": {
            "slim/slim": "2.*",
            "entomb/slim-json-api": "dev-master"

##Usage To include the middleware and view you just have to load them using the default Slim way.

    require 'vendor/autoload.php';

    $app = new \Slim\Slim();

    $app->view(new \JsonView());
    $app->add(new \JsonApiMiddleware());

after this, all your requests will be returning json output.

the usage will be $app->render(HTTP_CODE, array DATA);

    $app->get('/', function() use ($app) {
                'msg' => 'welcome to my API!',

To display an error just set the error=>true in your data array. All requests have an error var and it default to false. The HTTP code will also default to 200

    $app->get('/user/:id', function($id) use ($app) {

        //your code here

                'error' => TRUE,
                'msg'   => 'user not found',

##middleware The middleware will set some static routes for default requests. if you dont want to use it, you can copy this code into your bootstrap file

    // Mirrors the API request
    $app->get('/return', function() use ($app) {
            'method'    => $app->request()->getMethod(),
            'name'      => $app->request()->get('name'),
            'headers'   => $app->request()->headers(),
            'params'    => $app->request()->params(),

    // Generic error handler
    $app->error(function (Exception $e) use ($app) {
            'error' => TRUE,
            'msg'   => $e->getMessage(),

    // Not found handler (invalid routes, invalid method types)
    $app->notFound(function() use ($app) {
            'error' => TRUE,
            'msg'   => 'Invalid route',

    // Handle Empty response body
    $app->hook('slim.after.router', function () use ($app) {
        if (strlen($app->response()->body()) == 0) {
                'error' => TRUE,
                'msg'   => 'Empty response',