Script to setup a Sublime Text 2 editor for Drupal development (Mac & Linux)
The installer include plugins and settings to configure the environment in order to speed up the Drupal Development process.
- Package Control
- Git
- Git Gutter
- SideBarGit
- Bracket Highlighter
- DocBlockr
- LiveCSS
- Goto Drupal API
- Drupal Coding Standard
- Drupal Sublime Snippets
- Drupal Sublime Config
- Goto Documentation
- Drupal Auto Complete
- SublimeLinter
- Sode Theme
- Sublime-JSLint
- Css Snippets (list of snippets)
- * MacTerminal (support to iTerm if is available.)
* = Only available for MacOSX
After save a JS file a validation is executed using JSLint, JSLint needs Node.JS/ installed on your system.
- Install Sublime Text 2 from
- git clone
- cd sublime-drupal
- chmod +x
- ./
To use the Drupal Coding Standard plugin you have to install before PHP Code Sniffer , you check the installation process at
To use the Drupal Auto Complete, you need to create a SublimeProject and save the project definition at the drupal document root where index.php is located
- CTRL + Shift + t: Delete the trailing spaces
- CTRL + Shift + f: Reindent selected code
- Super + Shift + a: Go to Drupal Api definition of selected function
- Super + Shift + h: Go to documentation of selected function for languages PHP/JS and others
- Super + b: Validate Drupal Code Standard in current file
- Super + Shift + e: Execute verification of errors
- Super + Shift + Option + k: Jump to previous Git modification
- Super + Shift + Option + j: Jump to next Git modification
- Super + Shift + 1: Reveal file in SideBar
- * CTRL + Command + t
Super Key stands for Command in Mac and Windows Key in Windows
Orginally forked from