LayaAir use WebGL1.0/WebGL2.0 as graphic API. LayaAir is designed for high performance games and support TypeScript and JavaScript、ActionScript 3.0 programming language. LayaAir can develop once, publish for multi target platform(HTML5、Android、Ios).
- High performance
LayaAir use GPU graphic API(WebGL1.0/WebGL2.0). LayaAir is design to be run without Plugin and on embedded system.
- Light weight and easy to use
LayaAir API architecture aim to be simple, easy to handle, concepted to require small size installation. It can run basic and complete need for HTML5 engine.
- Multi-language development support
Build your HTML5 application from ActionScript 3.0、TypeScript、JavaScript project.
- Laya Native
- Provide a visual assistance in the development and tool flow
LayaAirIDE offer code development tools and visual editor. Clear workflow make, ergonomic, designed development efficiency.
Unity Plugin offer resource and scene export with Unity,can let unity project easier migration to LayaAir.
- Open-source and free
our official Layabox Github with complete engine source version, free of charge, including commercial usage.
WebGL rendering、Vector renderer、Atlas texture、Load Manager、HTML text、Bitmap fonts、Mask、Filter、Animation timeline、UI、 ParticleSystem、Bones animation、Physical systems
Camera、Mesh、ParticleSystem、Multi Light、SkyRender、SkinnedAnimation、PhysicBaseRendering、Shadow、Custom Shader、Trail、PixelLine
Laya.init(550, 400);
Laya.stage.scaleMode = "showall";
var ape = new Laya.Sprite();
//Loading our monkey
import laya.display.Sprite;
import laya.display.Stage;
public class Sprite_DisplayImage
public function Sprite_DisplayImage()
Laya.init(550, 400);
Laya.stage.scaleMode = "showall";
var ape:Sprite = new Sprite();
//Loading our monkey
/// <reference path="../../libs/LayaAir.d.ts" />
class Sprite_DisplayImage{
Laya.init(550, 400);
Laya.stage.scaleMode = "showall";
var ape = new Laya.Sprite();
//Loading our monkey
new Sprite_DisplayImage();