- Create a project
- Make it a package
- Add a feature
- Include a setup
- Use the package
We are going to create the file structure of a package. That usually looks something like this:
|- package
| - __init__.py
| - source_file1.py
| - source_file2.py
| - ...
|- package definition file 1
|- package definition file 2
|- package definition file ...
|- setup.py
You'll want room in your top level directory for those management files (e.g. license, readme, setup.py). So we are going to create project_folder
as a PyCharm project.
For this section:
- Create a folder called
- Create a virtual environment called .env in that folder
- Open it in PyCharm
Use PyCharm's "create package" feature to create the package implementation itself. Name it calcy
as in calculator.
Notice it created the empty __init__.py
for you and the folder icon is slightly different to indicate a package.
We'll add a couple of simple math methods to our calculator. Create another Python file in the folder called math.py
and add an add(x, y)
and subtract(x, y)
pair of methods to math.py
To make importing it easier, add this line to __init__.py
from . import math
That means you can consume it by typing import calcy
then calling calcy.math.add(7, 11)
Use the Python Console in PyCharm to test this (it adds the necessary path adjustments to run the package). For example, when I run the Python console, I see this output prior to the >>>
import sys; print('Python %s on %s' % (sys.version, sys.platform))
This is PyCharm automatically extending the Python path. You do not need to do anything to make this happen. It's just PyCharm making life easy on us.
Now, in the console, here's one way to test it:
import calcy
calcy.math.add(7, 5)
In this special environment, it should work.
It's great you can run your code locally. But for real packages, you'll need to be able to install it for consumers. To do this, we need a setup.py
Luckily, PyCharm has our back. First select the top-level folder in the project (the one which contains the calcy
folder with __init__.py
. Choose Tools > Create setup.py
and fill in the dialog. Most values are somewhat irrelevant. But name the package calcy
PyCharm may go overboard and include a bunch of stuff in the virtual environment. Just cut that out but leave:
Now let's install the package. Open a terminal / shell. Activate the virtual environment in the project folder:
# mac / linux
. .env/bin/activate
Now run setup.py
from the same directory as it is in as follows. The easiest way to do this is with Python's builtin terminal (make sure the env is activated):
python3 setup.py develop
Now, in the terminal, change out of that folder to somewhere else. Run Python 3 and try to import and use it:
$ python3
import calcy
calcy.math.add(7, 5)
You've got it working!
See a mistake in these instructions? Please submit a new issue or fix it and submit a PR.