This folder contains the code used in the paper "Obtaining Better Static Word Embeddings Using Contextual Embedding Models"
- Python3.6+
- PyTorch1.4.0
Use pip to install the following libraries -
- transformers -
- tqdm
- ftfy
- spacy
- nltk
- - used to obtain BERT2STATICsent
- - used to obtain BERT2STATICpara
- - used to obtain GPT22STATICsent
- - used to obtain GPT22STATICpara
- - used to obtain RoBERTa2STATICsent
- - used to obtain RoBERTa2STATICpara
- - to create a pickled dataset from a preprocessed one
Use to create a pickled dataset from a preprocessed one. Example - python --dataset_location wiki_text --min_count 10 --max_vocab_size 750000 --location_save_vocab_dataset processed_data/
Then the processed data will be saved in the folder processed_data/ with a vocabulary constructed for at most 750000 words which occur at least 10 times in the dataset.
Make sure that you use a preprocessed file with 1 paragraph per line for X2STATICpara embeddings and a preprocessed file with 1 sentence per line for X2STATICsent embeddings with
Suppose, you want to obtain BERT2STATICpara embeddings from BERT-12 and the preprocessed data is in the folder processed_data/, use the following code (with the same hyperparameters as the paper)
python --gpu_id 0 --num_epochs 1 --lr 0.001 --algo SparseAdam --t 5e-6 --word_emb_size 768 --location_dataset processed_data/ --model_folder model/ --num_negatives 10 --pretrained_bert_model bert-base-uncased
Then the vectors will be stored in model/vectors_final.txt . You can also download the preprocessed data used in the paper from here.
For other models, use the relevant python file and relevant word_emb_size (768 for models with 12 layers and 1024 for models with 24 layers) and select the correct pretrained_bert_model/ pretrained_RoBERTa_model/pretrained_gpt2_model as shown in the list below -
BERT-12 - bert-base-uncased
RoBERTa-12 -roberta-base
GPT2-12 - gpt2
BERT-24 - bert-large-uncased
RoBERTa-24 - roberta-large
GPT2-24 - gpt2-medium
For ASE models, use the code provided by Bommasani et al. here -