If you develop multi language system, you constantly forget using lang dictionaries.
For stop it, use it rule for detect hardcoded cyrillic text
$ npm install eslint eslint-plugin-no-cyrillic-string --save-dev
Create an .eslint.json
file with the following:
"plugins": [
Then, you can add the custom rules to the .eslint.json
"rules": {
"no-cyrillic-string/no-cyrillic-string": "error"
To lint your project with ESLint, add the following script
to your package.json
"scripts": {
"lint": "eslint ."
and run the linter with:
$ npm run lint
This rule aims to...
Examples of incorrect code for this rule:
// cyrillic text inside double quotes
let buttonText = "Кнопка";
// cyrillic text inside single quotes
let someLabel = 'Кнопка';
// cyrillic text inside backtick
let someTemplate = `По заказу ${ orderNumber } выставлен счет`;
Examples of correct code for this rule:
// Using dictionary
let buttonText = dictionary.buttonText;
let someLabel = dictionary.label;
// cyrillic text inside backtick
let someTemplate = dictionary.template({
orderNumber: "#123"
// cyrillic text inside comments
// комментарий
Inside dictionaries.js you need ignore it rule.