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This repo contains the source code for a C# Api for Athom's Homey. It does not yet cover the complete feature set. There is a java script api client available The Rest Api can be guessed according to the documentation.
- Get device for id
- Get all devices
- Get devices for zone id
- Get capability time log
- Gel all zones
- Get all flows
- Get flow for flow id
- Get all alarms
- Update alarm
- Get system info
- Set boolean capability
- Enable flow
- Trigger flow
Homey does not yet provide an access token, however you can obtain one with the following steps.
- Open
- Press Login
- Open the browser dev tools --> F12 and switch to the Network tab
- Log in with your Homey mail and password You should find a Get request "api/manager/sessions/session/me" which contains you local homey ip address if you are in the local network. Request URL: "" There you should fine something like the following under Request Header "authorization: Bearer 888999-19fe-4fa0-9999-b32982499999:9c1a21da-1df4-9999-8594-46fd7e799999:c6d7b6096df10a5fd2d8888888ff447ff1ca0e9c"
- Use the whole token after Beaer in that case it would be "888999-19fe-4fa0-9999-b32982499999:9c1a21da-1df4-9999-8594-46fd7e799999:c6d7b6096df10a5fd2d8888888ff447ff1ca0e9c"
You can check the local home ip over the app with More/Settings/General/About