Installing dependencies
sudo apt-get install rubygems
sudo gem install jekyll aquarium json less therubyracer
- update DOWNLOAD_VERSION in index.html
- run jekyll
- output will be in _site/
You can easily put alerts on the homepage by changing the ALERT and ALERT_CLASS variables in index.html.
ALERT: <strong>Security alert:</strong> Please upgrade to 0.3.25 as soon as possible!
will produce a red alert box. Possible classes are: error (red), info (blue), success (green) and warning (yellow)
Release notes should be placed in _posts/releases/
and adhere to this format:
layout: post
title: Bitcoin version 0.3.24 released
category: releases
Bitcoin v0.3.24 is now available for download at
is used to construct the URL. Something likev0.3.24
will be finelayout: post
important for Jekylltitle: ...
will be used as the titlesrc: ...
(optional) link to full annoucementcategorry: ...
category of post **releases
Aliases for contributors are defined in _config.yml
s_nakamoto: Satoshi Nakamoto
--author=Satoshi Nakamoto: Satoshi Nakamoto
gavinandresen: Gavin Andresen
These ruby gems are required to build the website:
- jekyll
- aquarium
- json
- less
- therubyracer