All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.3.0 (2021-02-20)
- adjacency: add AdjacencyList impl & initial tests (8f44c97)
- adjacency: add & impls (9fb02ac)
- adjacency: major update Adjacency(Bit)Matrix classes & API (cd71a5f)
- adjacency: pre-cache MST edge costs (290f3a6)
- adjacency: replace .valence() w/ more flexible .degree() methods
- add with same default behavior as .valence(), but supporting diff degree types (in/out/inout)
- add .degree() impls for all
- remove old .valence() methods
- update tests
- adjacency: fixed order add/removeEdge(), valence(), neighbors(), remove static methods
- update IGraph, add/update methods, return types, generics
- remove/replace static methods in Adjacency(Bit)Matrix
- add defAdjBitMatrix/defAdjMatrix
- refactor/extract/re-use .toDot() graphviz conversion
- update tests
0.2.0 (2020-12-22)
- adjacency: replace DegreeType w/ type alias
0.1.7 (2019-03-18)
- adjacency: update subsets() to use canonical() (0918c5b)