This project is part of the monorepo.
This package acts as optional glue layer between the and packages. The latter is used to perform the actual Graphviz serialization. Please consult its readme & source code for visualization options.
import { defDGraph } from "";
import { toDot } from "";
// define dependency graph
const graph = defDGraph([
["a", "b"],
["a", "c"],
["b", "d"],
["c", "d"],
["c", "e"],
// convert to graphviz format
console.log(toDot(graph, { id: (node) => node }));
// digraph g {
// "b"[label="b"];
// "c"[label="c"];
// "d"[label="d"];
// "e"[label="e"];
// "a"[label="a"];
// "b" -> "d";
// "c" -> "d";
// "c" -> "e";
// "a" -> "b";
// "a" -> "c";
// }
(Also see tests)
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