All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.4.0 (2020-07-22)
- pixel: add flipY() (a5593c0)
0.3.0 (2020-05-29)
- pixel: add dither support for int buffers/formats (4475fc1)
- pixel: add FloatBuffer and float format support (d6c490f)
- pixel: add/update float formats, tests (6eb1f67)
0.2.0 (2020-05-19)
- pixel: add .copy(), update .blitCanvas() (f4b2c3e)
- pixel: update canvas2d(), imageCanvas() (65929a2)
0.1.4 (2019-09-21)
- pixel: clamp values in PackedChannel.setFloat() (ce78467)
- pixel: byte order fixes, extract luminance fns (b3c79e3)
- pixel: fast-route check in setChannel() (b59069a)
- pixel: update 16bit formats & handling in getChannel (aa15179)
- pixel: update clampRegion(), adjust src pos if dest is outside (bb6ba47)
- pixel: update prepRegions() (ad8d2d7)
- pixel: (#106) add IBlend interface/impls, refactor IBlit (e068f46)
- pixel: (#106) add Uint16Buffer, update IColorChannel, add Channel.GRAY (3088646)
- pixel: add 16bit formats, add docs, update readme (5d72c37)
- pixel: add buffer() syntax sugar, PackedBuffer.forEach (bc17ac9)
- pixel: add channel float accessors, update PackedChannel (b4168f8)
- pixel: add invert, add/split interfaces, refactor blit fns (22a456a)
- pixel: add PackedBuffer.fromCanvas(), update readme (ac283ee)
- pixel: add pre/postmultiply & isPremultiplied checks (969d6b8)
- pixel: complete rewrite/simplify/extend using format descriptors (cde7bf9)
- pixel: initial import pixel buffer pkg (1836ea7)
- pixel: updat setChannel, add ALPHA8, update readme (899f1a3)
- pixel: update canvasPixels() (5ea200d)