An Ansible role to install Gogs (Go Git Service) on various platforms.
Note: At the moment, Docker is the only platform supported by this role.
- Docker >= 1.12.4
ansible-galaxy install erjac77.gogs
Clone this repository inside the roles/
subdirectory of your playbook or inside one of the additional directories specified by the roles_path
setting in ansible.cfg
git clone erjac77.gogs
# Gogs host platform
gogs_platform: Docker
#gogs_platform: "{{ ansible_os_family }}"
# Gogs database settings
gogs_db_type: SQLite3
gogs_db_host: ''
gogs_db_user: root
gogs_db_pass: default
gogs_db_name: gogs
gogs_db_path: data/gogs.db
# Gogs application general settings
gogs_app_name: 'Gogs: Go Git Service'
gogs_repo_root_path: /data/git/gogs-repositories
gogs_run_user: git
gogs_hostname: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] }}"
gogs_http_port: 10080
gogs_ssh_port: 10022
gogs_log_path: /app/gogs/log
# Gogs server and other services settings
gogs_enable_captcha: true
# Gogs connection timeout settings
gogs_connection_retries: 60
gogs_connection_delay: 5
# Gogs admin account settings
gogs_admin_username: gogs
gogs_admin_password: gogs
gogs_admin_fullname: Gogs Administrator
gogs_admin_email: '[email protected]'
# Gogs users
- { username: "{{ gogs_admin_username }}", password: "{{ gogs_admin_password }}", fullname: "{{ gogs_admin_fullname }}", email: "{{ gogs_admin_email }}", admin: true }
# Gogs organizations
gogs_orgs: []
# Gogs repositories
gogs_repos: []
# Gogs Docker container settings
gogs_container_name: gogs
gogs_container_image: gogs/gogs
gogs_container_http_host_port: "{{ gogs_http_port }}"
gogs_container_http_container_port: 3000
gogs_container_ssh_host_port: "{{ gogs_ssh_port }}"
gogs_container_ssh_container_port: 22
gogs_container_data_volume: gogs-data
- name: Install Gogs on Docker
hosts: localhost
become: yes
gogs_platform: Docker
gogs_enable_captcha: false
gogs_admin_username: gogs
gogs_admin_password: gogs
gogs_admin_fullname: Gogs Administrator
gogs_admin_email: [email protected]
- { username: "{{ gogs_admin_username }}", password: "{{ gogs_admin_password }}", fullname: "{{ gogs_admin_fullname }}", email: "{{ gogs_admin_email }}", admin: true }
- { username: jodoe, password: jodoe, fullname: John Doe, email: '[email protected]', admin: false }
- { username: jadoe, password: jadoe, email: '[email protected]' }
- { owner: jodoe, name: gogs2, fullname: Gogs2, description: Gogs(Go Git Service) is a painless self-hosted Git Service., website: '', location: USA }
- { owner: jodoe, name: john-awesome-project, description: My awesome project, private: true, auto_init: true, gitignores: Python, license: Apache License 2.0, readme: Default }
- { owner: jadoe, name: jane-cool-project }
- { owner: gogs2, name: gogs2-project }
- erjac77.gogs
Apache 2.0
Eric Jacob (@erjac77)