Given the following set of data sets, create a function that will find the coupon to display for a given category.
// {{CategoryName, CouponName}}
String [][] coupons = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Comforters Sale"},
{"Bedding", "Savings on Bedding"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Low price for Bed & Bath"}
// {{CategoryName, CategoryParentName}}
String [][] categories = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Bedding"},
{"Bedding", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Bed & Bath", null},
{"Soap Dispensers", "Bathroom Accessories"},
{"Bathroom Accessories", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Toy Organizers", "Baby And Kids"},
{"Baby And Kids", null}
graph TD;
input (CategoryName) | output (CouponName) |
Comforter Sets | Comforters Sale |
Bedding | Savings on Bedding |
Bathroom Accessories | Low price for Bed & Bath |
Soap Dispensers | Low price for Bed & Bath |
Toy Organizers | null |
- Create a function that when passed a Category Name (as a String) will return Coupon Name (as a String)
- Category structure is hierarchical. Categories without coupons inherit their parent's coupon.
- No coupon should be returned if there are no coupons in the Category's hierarchy
- For example: Toy Organizers receives no coupon because there is no coupon in the category hierarchy.
- If a Category has a coupon it should not move up the hierarchy to find its Parent Category (or the Parent's Coupon)
- For example: Comforter sets, should see the coupon for Comforter Sets and NOT Bedding
- Beware of the following examples/edge cases and their expected behaviors:
- Bathroom Accessories should receive the coupon for Bed & Bath because there are no coupons for Bathroom Accessories
- Assumption: Product can only be associated with one category.
import java.util.*;
public class CategoryAndCoupons {
private final Map<String, String> couponsCategoryMap;
private final Map<String, String> parentCategoryMap;
CategoryAndCoupons(String [][] coupons, String [][] categories) {
this.couponsCategoryMap = new HashMap<>();
this.parentCategoryMap = new HashMap<>();
for (String[] coupon : coupons) this.couponsCategoryMap.put(coupon[0], coupon[1]);
for (String[] category : categories) this.parentCategoryMap.put(category[0], category[1]);
private String getCoupon(String categoryName) {
return this.couponsCategoryMap.get(categoryName);
return null;
return getCoupon(this.parentCategoryMap.get(categoryName));
public static void main(String[] args) {
String [][] coupons = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Comforter Sale"},
{"Bedding", "Savings on Bedding"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Low price for Bed & Bath"}
// Bed & Bath > Bedding > Comforter Sets
// Bed & Bath > Bathroom Accessories > Soap Dispensers
// Baby And Kids > Toy Organizers
String [][] categories = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Bedding"},
{"Bedding", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Bed & Bath", null},
{"Soap Dispensers", "Bathroom Accessories"},
{"Bathroom Accessories", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Toy Organizers", "Baby And Kids"},
{"Baby And Kids", null}
CategoryAndCoupons categoryAndCoupons = new CategoryAndCoupons(coupons, categories);
System.out.println("Comforter Sets => " + categoryAndCoupons.getCoupon("Comforter Sets"));
System.out.println("Bedding => " + categoryAndCoupons.getCoupon("Bedding"));
System.out.println("Bathroom Accessories => " + categoryAndCoupons.getCoupon("Bathroom Accessories"));
System.out.println("Soap Dispensers => " + categoryAndCoupons.getCoupon("Soap Dispensers"));
System.out.println("Toy Organizers => " + categoryAndCoupons.getCoupon("Toy Organizers"));
The system has added a new piece of data to the coupon - "Date Modified". Use this when resolving any ties (when 1 Category has 2+ Coupons).
// {{CategoryName, CouponName, DateModified}}
String [][] coupons = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Comforter Sale", "2020-01-01"},
{"Comforter Sets", "Cozy Comforter Coupon", "2020-01-01"},
{"Bedding", "Best Bedding Bargains", "2019-01-01"},
{"Bedding", "Savings on Bedding", "2019-01-01"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Low price for Bed & Bath", "2018-01-01"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Bed & Bath extravaganza", "2019-01-01"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Big Savings for Bed & Bath", "2030-01-01"}
// {{CategoryName, CategoryParentName}}
String [][] categories = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Bedding"},
{"Bedding", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Bed & Bath", null},
{"Soap Dispensers", "Bathroom Accessories"},
{"Bathroom Accessories", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Toy Organizers", "Baby And Kids"},
{"Baby And Kids", null}
graph TD;
input (CategoryName) | output (CouponName) |
Bed & Bath | Bed & Bath extravaganza |
Bedding | Best Bedding Bargains | Savings on Bedding |
Bathroom Accessories | Bed & Bath extravaganza |
Comforter Sets | Comforter Sale | Cozy Comforter Coupon |
- Create a function that when passed a Category Name (as a String) will return one Coupon Name (as a String)
- If a Category has more than 1 coupon the Coupon with the most recent DateModified should be returned
- If a Coupon's DateModified is in the future, it should not be returned
- Category structure is hierarchical. Categories without coupons inherit their parent's coupon.
- Use of the internet for syntax and basic implementation questions is allowed.
- Think out loud! Describe your approach and discuss changes as new information surfaces
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.ToString;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.*;
public class CategoryAndCouponsF1 {
private final String datePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd";
private final DateTimeFormatter FORMATTER = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(datePattern);
static class Coupon {
private String couponName;
private LocalDate dateModified;
public Coupon (String couponName, LocalDate dateModified) {
this.couponName = couponName;
this.dateModified = dateModified;
private final Map<String, Map<LocalDate, List<Coupon>>> categoryCouponsMapGroupByModifiedDate;
private final Map<String, String> parentCategoryMap;
CategoryAndCouponsF1(String [][] coupons, String [][] categories) {
Map<String, List<Coupon>> couponsCategoryMap = new HashMap<>();
this.parentCategoryMap = new HashMap<>();
this.categoryCouponsMapGroupByModifiedDate = new HashMap<>();
for (String[] coupon : coupons) {
couponsCategoryMap.put(coupon[0], new ArrayList<>());
LocalDate dateModified = LocalDate.parse(coupon[2], FORMATTER);
couponsCategoryMap.get(coupon[0]).add(new Coupon(coupon[1], dateModified));
for (String[] category : categories) this.parentCategoryMap.put(category[0], category[1]);
for (Map.Entry<String, List<Coupon>> couponsEntry : couponsCategoryMap.entrySet()) {
this.categoryCouponsMapGroupByModifiedDate.put(couponsEntry.getKey(), couponsEntry.getValue().stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Coupon::getDateModified)));
private String getCoupon(String categoryName) {
&& this.categoryCouponsMapGroupByModifiedDate.get(categoryName).values().stream().findFirst().isPresent())
return this.categoryCouponsMapGroupByModifiedDate.get(categoryName).values().stream().findFirst().get().stream().map(Coupon::getCouponName).collect(Collectors.joining(" | "));
return null;
return getCoupon(this.parentCategoryMap.get(categoryName));
public static void main(String[] args) {
String [][] coupons = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Comforter Sale", "2020-01-01"},
{"Comforter Sets", "Cozy Comforter Coupon", "2020-01-01"},
{"Bedding", "Best Bedding Bargains", "2019-01-01"},
{"Bedding", "Savings on Bedding", "2019-01-01"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Low price for Bed & Bath", "2018-01-01"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Bed & Bath extravaganza", "2019-01-01"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Big Savings for Bed & Bath", "2030-01-01"}
// Bed & Bath > Bedding > Comforter Sets
// Bed & Bath > Bathroom Accessories > Soap Dispensers
// Baby And Kids > Toy Organizers
String [][] categories = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Bedding"},
{"Bedding", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Bed & Bath", null},
{"Soap Dispensers", "Bathroom Accessories"},
{"Bathroom Accessories", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Toy Organizers", "Baby And Kids"},
{"Baby And Kids", null}
CategoryAndCouponsF1 categoryAndCoupons = new CategoryAndCouponsF1(coupons, categories);
System.out.println("Bed & Bath => " + categoryAndCoupons.getCoupon("Bed & Bath"));
System.out.println("Bedding => " + categoryAndCoupons.getCoupon("Bedding"));
System.out.println("Bathroom Accessories => " + categoryAndCoupons.getCoupon("Bathroom Accessories"));
System.out.println("Comforter Sets => " + categoryAndCoupons.getCoupon("Comforter Sets"));
Now that we know what coupon to show to the user, let's make sure the user can apply the coupon by changing the selling price
of a Product.
Format (Category Name, Coupon Name, Date Modified, Discount)
// {{CategoryName, CouponName, DateModified, Discount}}
String [][] coupons = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Comforters Sale", "2020-01-01", "10%"},
{"Comforter Sets", "Cozy Comforter Coupon", "2020-01-01", "$15"},
{"Bedding", "Best Bedding Bargains", "2019-01-01", "35%"},
{"Bedding", "Savings on Bedding", "2019-01-01", "25%"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Low price for Bed & Bath", "2018-01-01", "50%"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Bed & Bath extravaganza", "2019-01-01", "75%"}
// {{CategoryName, CategoryParentName}}
String [][] categories = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Bedding"},
{"Bedding", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Bed & Bath", null},
{"Soap Dispensers", "Bathroom Accessories"},
{"Bathroom Accessories", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Toy Organizers", "Baby And Kids"},
{"Baby And Kids", null}
// {{ProductName, Price, CategoryName}}
String [][] products = {
{"Cozy Comforter Sets", "100.00", "Comforter Sets"},
{"All-in-one Bedding Set", "50.00", "Bedding"},
{"Infinite Soap Dispenser", "500.00", "Bathroom Accessories"},
{"Rainbow Toy Box", "257.00", "Baby And Kids"}
graph TD;
input (CategoryName) | output (Discount) |
Comforter Sets | 90.0 OR 85.0 |
Bedding | 32.5 OR 37.5 |
Bathroom Accessories | 125.0 |
Baby And Kid | 257.0 |
- Function takes a String representing the Product Name
- Function Returns the discounted price (Product price minus the coupon discount) as a String
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.ToString;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.*;
public class CategoryAndCouponsF2 {
private final String datePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd";
private final DateTimeFormatter FORMATTER = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(datePattern);
static class Coupon {
private String couponName;
private LocalDate dateModified;
private String discount;
public Coupon(String couponName, LocalDate dateModified, String discount) {
this.couponName = couponName;
this.dateModified = dateModified; = discount;
static class Product {
private String name;
private String categoryName;
private Double price;
public Product(String categoryName, String name, Double price) {
this.categoryName = categoryName; = name;
this.price = price;
private final Map<String, String> couponsDiscountMap;
private final Map<String, String> parentCategoryMap;
private final Map<String, Product> productCategoryMap;
private final Map<String, Map<LocalDate, List<CategoryAndCouponsF2.Coupon>>> categoryCouponsMapGroupByModifiedDate;
CategoryAndCouponsF2(String [][] coupons, String [][] categories, String [][] products) {
Map<String, List<Coupon>> couponsCategoryMap = new HashMap<>();
this.parentCategoryMap = new HashMap<>();
this.productCategoryMap = new HashMap<>();
this.couponsDiscountMap = new HashMap<>();
this.categoryCouponsMapGroupByModifiedDate = new HashMap<>();
for (String[] coupon : coupons) {
couponsCategoryMap.put(coupon[0], new ArrayList<>());
LocalDate dateModified = LocalDate.parse(coupon[2], FORMATTER);
couponsCategoryMap.get(coupon[0]).add(new Coupon(coupon[1], dateModified, coupon[3]));
couponsDiscountMap.put(coupon[1], coupon[3]);
for (String[] category : categories) this.parentCategoryMap.put(category[0], category[1]);
for (Map.Entry<String, List<CategoryAndCouponsF2.Coupon>> couponsEntry : couponsCategoryMap.entrySet())
this.categoryCouponsMapGroupByModifiedDate.put(couponsEntry.getKey(), couponsEntry.getValue().stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(CategoryAndCouponsF2.Coupon::getDateModified)));
for (String[] product : products) this.productCategoryMap.put(product[0], new Product(product[2], product[0], Double.parseDouble(product[1])));
private Set<String> getCoupon(String categoryName) {
&& this.categoryCouponsMapGroupByModifiedDate.get(categoryName).values().stream().findFirst().isPresent())
return this.categoryCouponsMapGroupByModifiedDate.get(categoryName).values().stream().findFirst().get().stream().map(CategoryAndCouponsF2.Coupon::getCouponName).collect(Collectors.toSet());
return null;
return getCoupon(this.parentCategoryMap.get(categoryName));
private String displayDiscountPrice(String productName) {
Product product = this.productCategoryMap.get(productName);
Set<String> coupon = getCoupon(product.getCategoryName());
return product.getPrice().toString();
return String.join(" OR ",
.map(s -> applyDiscount(product.getPrice(), this.couponsDiscountMap.get(s.trim())).toString())
private Double applyDiscount(Double originalPrice, String discount) {
double discountAmount;
discountAmount = Double.parseDouble(discount.replaceAll("\\$", ""));
discountAmount = originalPrice * (Double.parseDouble(discount.replaceAll("%", "")) / 100);
return originalPrice - discountAmount;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String [][] coupons = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Comforters Sale", "2020-01-01", "10%"},
{"Comforter Sets", "Cozy Comforter Coupon", "2020-01-01", "$15"},
{"Bedding", "Best Bedding Bargains", "2019-01-01", "35%"},
{"Bedding", "Savings on Bedding", "2019-01-01", "25%"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Low price for Bed & Bath", "2018-01-01", "50%"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Bed & Bath extravaganza", "2019-01-01", "75%"}
// Bed & Bath > Bedding > Comforter Sets
// Bed & Bath > Bathroom Accessories > Soap Dispensers
// Baby And Kids > Toy Organizers
String [][] categories = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Bedding"},
{"Bedding", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Bed & Bath", null},
{"Soap Dispensers", "Bathroom Accessories"},
{"Bathroom Accessories", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Toy Organizers", "Baby And Kids"},
{"Baby And Kids", null}
String [][] products = {
{"Cozy Comforter Sets", "100.00", "Comforter Sets"},
{"All-in-one Bedding Set", "50.00", "Bedding"},
{"Infinite Soap Dispenser", "500.00", "Bathroom Accessories"},
{"Rainbow Toy Box", "257.00", "Baby And Kids"}
CategoryAndCouponsF2 cc = new CategoryAndCouponsF2(coupons, categories, products);
System.out.println("Comforter Sets => " + cc.displayDiscountPrice("Cozy Comforter Sets"));
System.out.println("Bedding => " + cc.displayDiscountPrice("All-in-one Bedding Set"));
System.out.println("Bathroom Accessories => " + cc.displayDiscountPrice("Infinite Soap Dispenser"));
System.out.println("Baby And Kids => " + cc.displayDiscountPrice("Rainbow Toy Box"));