Upload intheshell into /usr/local/bin/
Create user ghost
useradd -m -s /usr/local/bin/intheshell ghost
Remove password for ghost
sed s/ghost::/ghost:U6aMy0wojraho:/g /etc/shadow -i
Allow empty password in sshd and add allowed users (file /etc/ssh/sshd_config) and some security changes
PermitEmptyPasswords yes
PasswordAuthentication yes
AllowUsers ghost
X11Forwarding no
### Disable Subsystem
#Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server
### X11 Forwarding
X11Forwarding no
Disable motd and other stuff on ssh login (not so beautyfull)
chmod -x /etc/update-motd.d/*
Then restart sshd
/etc/init.d/sshd restart