rednose Public
Forked from JBKahn/rednosepretty output formatter for python-nosetests, now with SQL hightlighting
Python UpdatedMar 5, 2014 -
appsales Public
Ruby gem to scrape itunesconnect for app sales info.
flask-security Public
Forked from pallets-eco/flask-security-3.0Quick and simple security for Flask applications
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 2, 2013 -
AppSales-Mobile Public
Forked from omz/AppSales-MobileApp Sales allows iPhone and Mac App Store developers to download and analyze their daily and weekly sales reports from iTunes Connect.
Objective-C UpdatedJan 6, 2013 -
lcdwifi Public
Old piece of code for display wifi signal on a VFD 2x16 display.
C++ UpdatedDec 29, 2012 -
wavelan-applet Public
Old gnome-panel wifi signal strength applet.
C GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedDec 11, 2012 -
powerm Public
Old library to monitor APM/ACPI for power-applet
C GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedDec 11, 2012 -
power-applet Public
Old gnome-panel battery charge applet.
C GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedDec 11, 2012 -
ittleskin Public
Old gnome-panel apple theming library for some widgets.
C GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedDec 11, 2012 -
frameworks-repository Public
Example XCode workspace with a c++ lib, a framework and an app that uses those.
Objective-C UpdatedSep 9, 2012 -
gdivelog Public
Good old gdivelog with OSX fixes.
gdivelog-suunto-plugin Public
MacOS fixes for gdivelog-suunto-plugin
ybinlogp Public
Forked from Yelp/ybinlogpA fast mysql binlog parser, C++ & Darwin port with Python bindings using boost.python.