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cex_coinbase: '<svg version="1.0" id="katman_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="225 125 350 350" xml:space="preserve"><path fill="#0052ff" d="M399.9,380.6c-44.8,0-81-36.3-81-81s36.3-81,81-81c40.1,0,73.4,29.2,79.8,67.5h81.6 c-6.9-83.2-76.5-148.6-161.5-148.6c-89.5,0-162.1,72.6-162.1,162.1s72.6,162.1,162.1,162.1c85,0,154.6-65.4,161.5-148.6h-81.7 C473.2,351.4,440,380.6,399.9,380.6z"/></svg>'
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