A project aimed to help the user master Javascript with a test-driven approach. Each unit contains an annotated tutorial on the code itself and the ability to run Unit Tests to verify the expected behavior.
- Arrays
- Bad Practices and Solutions
- Booleans
- Built-in Functions
- Closure
- Comparisons
- Conditionals
- Exceptions
- Falsey Values
- Function Expressions
- Function Expressions as Parameters
- Functions
- General Performance
- Hoisting
- Logical Assignment
- Loops
- Namespaces
- Numbers
- Object Prototype
- Objects
- Objects Functionality
- Prototypes
- Strings
- Switch Block
- Ternary Conditionals
- Truthy Values
- Variables
/* An array is a data structure with automatically indexed positions*/
it('Arrays can be accessed by indices', function () {
//The brackets indicate to the compiler to make an array and fill it with
//the comma-separated values between the brackets
var arrayOfStrings = [ "StringZero" , "StringOne" , "StringTwo"];
//We can access any location of the zero-based array
it('You can reference and change specific cells with indices', function () {
var arrayOfStrings = [ "StringOne" , "StringOne" , "StringTwo"];
arrayOfStrings[0] = "StringZero"; //You can change the value contained at any index
it('You can access the length of Arrays', function () {
var arrayOfStrings = [ "StringZero" , "StringOne" , "StringTwo"];
it('Pop() function removes a cell from the back of the array', function () {
var arrayOfStrings = [ "StringZero" , "StringOne" , "StringTwo"];
//Pop() function deletes the last position and retrieves its value
expect(arrayOfStrings.length).toBe(2);//The array length automatically adjusts
it('shift() function removes a cell from the beginning of the array', function () {
var arrayOfStrings = [ "StringZero" , "StringOne" , "StringTwo"];
//shift() function deletes the first position and retrieves its value
expect(arrayOfStrings.length).toBe(2);//The array length automatically adjusts
it('Push() function adds a cell and its contents to the back of the array', function () {
var arrayOfStrings = [ "StringZero" , "StringOne" ];
//Push() will add a cell onto the back of the arrays
expect(arrayOfStrings.length).toBe(3);//The array length automatically adjusts
it('Arrays can hold different types of variables ', function () {
var StringTwoVariable = "StringTwo";
var arrayOfStrings = [ "StringZero" , 1 , StringTwoVariable];
//When assigning variables to an entry of an array, the variable name is not
//used, instead the array uses the internal value
it('Arrays can hold Arrays ', function () {
var firstArrayOfStrings = [ "StringZero" , "StringOne" , "StringTwo"];
var secondArrayOfStrings = [ "StringThree" , "StringFour" , "StringFive"];
var firstAndSecondArrays = [firstArrayOfStrings , secondArrayOfStrings];
expect(typeof firstAndSecondArrays).toBe("object");//Arrays are treated as objects
//You can access any index of the composed array
it('Arrays can hold undefined values ', function () {
var arrayOfStrings = [ "StringZero" , "StringOne" , "StringTwo"];
//to make a cell empty. we can use the keyword 'undefined', which means 'NO CONTENTS'
arrayOfStrings[1] = undefined;
expect(typeof arrayOfStrings[1]).toBe("undefined");
//The array length does not change when some of the values are undefined
it('Arrays can be created with no values', function () {
var arrayOfStrings = [];
expect(typeof arrayOfStrings).toBe("object");
//When you access an index of the array with no value, the array returns 'undefined'
npm install
bower install
grunt test
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me: Martin Chavez Aguilar
- Martin Chavez Aguilar - Wrote the project