Version: | 1.0.0 |
Web: | |
Download: | |
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Keywords: | distributed, stream, async, processing, data, queue |
Faust is a Python library for event processing and streaming applications that are distributed and fault-tolerant.
It's inspired by tools such as Kafka Streams, Apache Spark, Apache Storm, Apache Samza and Apache Flink; but takes a radically much simpler approach to stream processing.
Modern web applications are increasingly being written as a collection of microservices and even before this it has been difficult to write data reporting operations at scale. In a reactive stream based system, you don't have to strain your database with costly queries, instead a streaming data pipeline updates information as events happen in your system, in real-time.
Faust also enables you to take advantage of asyncio and asynchronous processing, moving complicated and costly operations outside of the webserver process: converting video, notifying third-party services, etc. are common use cases for event processing.
You may not know it yet, but if you're writing a modern web application, you probably already have a need for Faust.
- Simple
Faust is extremely easy to use compared to other stream processing solutions. There's no DSL to limit your creativity, no restricted set of operations to work from, and since Faust is a library it can integrate with just about anything.
Here's one of the simplest applications you can make:
import faust class Greeting(faust.Record): from_name: str to_name: str app = faust.App('hello-app', url='kafka://localhost') topic = app.topic('hello-topic', value_type=Greeting) async def hello(greetings): async for greeting in greetings: print(f'Hello from {greeting.from_name} to {greeting.to_name}') @app.timer(interval=1.0) async def example_sender(app): await hello.send( value=Greeting(from_name='Faust', to_name='you'), ) if __name__ == '__main__': app.start_worker()
You're probably a bit intimidated by the async and await keywords, but you don't have to know how asyncio works to use Faust: just mimic the examples and you'll be fine.
The example application starts two tasks: one is processing a stream, the other is a background thread sending events to that stream. In a real-live application your system will publish events to Kafka topics that your processors can consume from, and the background thread is only needed to feed data into our example.
- Highly Available
- Faust is highly available and can survive network problems and server crashes. In the case of node failure it can automatically recover, and tables have standby nodes that will take over.
- Distributed
- Start more instances of your application as needed.
- Fast
- Faust applications can hopefully handle millions of events per second in the future.
- Flexible
- Faust is just Python, and a stream is just an infinite async iterator. If you know how to use Python, you already know how to use Faust, and it works with your favorite Python libraries like Django, Flask, SQLAlchemy, NTLK, NumPy, Scikit, TensorFlow, etc.
You can install faust either via the Python Package Index (PyPI) or from source.
To install using pip,:
$ pip install -U faust
Download the latest version of faust from
You can install it by doing the following,:
$ tar xvfz faust-0.0.0.tar.gz $ cd faust-0.0.0 $ python build # python install
The last command must be executed as a privileged user if you are not currently using a virtualenv.
You can install the latest snapshot of faust using the following pip command:
$ pip install
Yes! Use gevent/eventlet and use a bridge to integrate with asyncio.
enables you to run Faust on top of gevent:
import aiogevent import asyncio asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(aiogevent.EventLoopPolicy()) import gevent.monkey gevent.monkey.patch_all() # if you use PostgreSQL with psycopg, make sure you also # install psycogreen and call this pather: # import psycogreen.gevent # psycogreen.gevent.patch_psycopg() # Import Django/Flask etc, stuff and use them with Faust.
enables you to run Faust on top of eventlet:
import aioeventlet import asyncio asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(aioeventlet.EventloopPolicy()) import eventlet eventlet.monkey_patch() # if you use PostgreSQL with psycopg, make sure you also # install psycogreen and call this pather: # import psycogreen.eventlet # psycogreen.eventlet.patch_psycopg() # Import Django/Flask etc, stuff and use them with Faust.
Yes! Use the tornado.platform.asyncio
Yes! Use the asyncio reactor implementation:
There are no immediate plans to support Python 3.5, but you are welcome to contribute to the project.
Here are some of the steps required to accomplish this:
Source code transformation to rewrite variable annotations to comments
for example, the code:
class Point: x: int = 0 y: int = 0 must be rewritten into:: class Point: x = 0 # type: int y = 0 # type: int
Source code transformation to rewrite async functions
for example, the code:
async def foo(): await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
must be rewritten into:
@coroutine def foo(): yield from asyncio.sleep(1.0)
There are no plans to support Python 2, but you are welcome to contribute to the project (details in question above is relevant also for Python 2).