CSV remains the most futuristic data format from the distant past.
XML has risen and fallen. JSON is just a flash in the pan. YAML is a poisoned chalice. CSV will outlast them all.
When the final cockroach breathes her last breath, her dying act will be to scratch her date of death in a CSV file for posterity.
- Awesome CSV Tools
- Awesome CSV Essays
- Awesome Data in CSV
- Awesome Conferences About CSV
- Awesome CSV Standards
- META: Other Lists of CSV Tools and References
- Awesome License
- Footnotes
Here are some awesome tools for dealing with CSV:
- NimbleText/Live*: use patterns to manipulate CSV; the world's simplest code generator
- PapaParse: a powerful in-browser CSV parser
- d3-dsv: d3.js parser and formatter module for delimiter-separated values
- CSVKit: CSV utilities that includes csvsql / csvgrep / csvstat and more
- XSV: a fast CSV command-line toolkit written in Rust
- sed (gnu tool): stream editor
- gawk (gnu tool): text processing and data extraction using awk
- awk by example: comprehensive examples of using awk
- Miller: like sed / awk / cut / join / sort etc for name-indexed data such as CSV
- ParaText: CSV parsing at 2.5 GB per second
- CSVGet: get structured data from sites as CSV
- CSVfix: a tool for manipulating CSV data
- StreamingPivot: pivot and visualize CSV data purely in the browser
- Tad: a fast free cross-platform CSV viewer
- Nvd3-tags: a tiny library for making charts from csv data
- Powershell: Import-CSV: Powerful in-built facility for dealing with CSV
- CSV Tools: a collection of useful CSV utilities
- graph-cli: Flexible command line tool to create graphs from CSV data
- CSV to SQL: Online tool to create insert/update/delete etc from CSV data
- C#: kbCSV: An efficient, easy to use .NET parsing and writing library for CSV
- Mockaroo: random data generator for CSV / JSON / SQL / Excel
- Csvlint.go: command line tool for validating CSV files against RFC 4180
- csvstudio: a smart app to repair syntax errors in very large CSV files
- TextQL: execute SQL against CSV or TSV
- Datasette Facets: faceted browse and a JSON API for any CSV File or SQLite DB
- CSV to Table: convert CSV files to searchable and sortable HTML table
- Agnes**: two way Csv to Json
- csv2json: online tool to convert your CSV or TSV formatted data to JSON and vice versa
- csv-to-json: Easy, privacy-friendly and offline-first online csv to json converter
- Thinking about CSV: Martin Fenner
- In Praise of CSV: Waldo Jaquith
- Stop Rolling Your Own CSV Parser!***: Leon B
- So You Want To Write Your Own CSV code?: Thomas Burette
- Falsehoods Programmers Believe About CSVs: Jesse Donat
- US Data.gov: 18789+ CSV datasets
- Australian Government Open Data: 2715+ CSV datasets
- Reference data in csv: easy-to-use reference data in CSV and JSON formats
- awesome-public-datasets: a topic-centric list of high-quality open datasets in public domains
- csv,conf: A community conference for data makers everywhere
The wonderful thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from.
—(Possibly) Grace Hopper
- RFC 4180: "Common format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files"
- W3C: Model for Tabular Data and Metadata on the Web
- CSV Schema Language: a language for defining and validating CSV data
- csv,specs: Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Format Specifications (and Tests) incl. CSV v1.0, CSV v1.1, CSV Strict, CSV <3 Numerics, CSV<3 JSON, CSV <3 YAML
- structured-text-tools: list of command line tools for manipulating CSV / XML / HTML / JSON / INI etc
- META-META: this list as CSV
- META-META-META: a NimbleText pattern that produces this markdown page from this list as a CSV
To the extent possible under law, Leon Bambrick has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
I'm the author of NimbleText. Of course I put it first on the list. If I didn't personally rate it I wouldn't have spent so much time making and improving it.
I wrote agnes
but don't really endorse it for others to use (thus haven't migrated the source code to github). It's slow and non-streaming. I'd go with papa-parse
. On the plus side, agnes
has a more comprehensive test suite and simpler api than most.
Mine too.