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readMapping Module

Nexflow module for quantifying transcripts from short sequecencing reads

This module takes as input:

  • short read sequencing data
  • a set of transcripts

and provides as output:

  • quantified transcipts on a per sample basis

Available components (tools)

Name External Link Default Container Component Page Publication Licence
kallisto Kallisto Website docker biocontainer components/kallisto PubMed Link
salmon Salmon Website docker biocontainers components/salmon PubMed GNU GPL v3.0
sailfish Sailfish Website docker biocontainers components/sailfish PubMed GNU GPL v3.0

Operations and Processes:

All compoments in this module perform the following operations:

Name Process Name EDAM Label EDAM IRI EDAM Link
FASTA indexing index Genome indexing operation_3211 Link
Mapping/quantification quantification RNA-Seq quantification operation_3800 Link
Collect results results Aggregation operation_3436 Link

Module Input:

  • Short reads (FASTQ)
  • Set of Transcripts (FASTA)

This component supports EDAM input data formats.

Common Name Common Extensions EDAM Name EDAM IRI EDAM Description Nextflow Data Plugin
Short Sequencing Reads .fastq/gz .fq/gz FASTQ format_1930 Link Link
Transcripts .fasta/gz .fq/.gz FASTA format_1929 Link Link

Module Output:

  • A channel containing quantified trascripts in (CSV)

To use the resulting output channel in downstream operations or processes

set val(id), file(abundancesCSV) from outputChannel

This component generates the following EDAM data formats as output.

Common Name Common Extensions EDAM Name EDAM IRI EDAM Description
Quantified transcripts .csv/.tsv DSV: Delimiter-separated values format_3751 Link

Module Usage

From within a Nextflow pipeline, you can specify the following:

module readMapper(id, readsChannel, transcriptomeChannel, moduleConfig, outputChannel)

moduleConfig Format

See each component page for the default command line parameters and arguments.

To change the default command line options you can provide a configuration, for example:

readMapping config { 
    kallisto {
        quantification { 
    sailfish {
        quantification { 
          -r ${reads}

Example Usage

// Define common input files
params.transcriptome = "data/transcriptome.fa"
params.reads         = "data/reads/*.fastq"

// Create channels for input files
transcriptome_file = file(params.transcriptome)

    .fromFilePairs( params.reads, size: -1 )
    .ifEmpty { error "Cannot find any reads matching: ${params.reads}" }
    .set { read_files }

// Define which component(s) from the readMapping module we want to use
readMappingComponents = ['sailfish', 'kallisto', 'salmon']

// Define the config for the module/components

module readMapping(id,read_files,transcriptome_file, config, output_ch)

Internal Module Code Block

process index {
    container = { readMappingContainers["${mapper}"] }
    val(mapper) from readMappingComponents
    file transcriptome_file
    set val("${mapper}"), file("${mapper}_index") into indexes
    template "$baseDir/modules/readMapping/components/index_${mapper}.sh"

    .set { read_files_and_index }

process quantification {
    container = { readMappingContainers["${mapper}"] }
    set val(mapper), file('index'), val(sampleID), file(reads) from read_files_and_index 
    set val("${mapper}"), val("${sampleID}"), file("${mapper}_${sampleID}") into quant
    template "$baseDir/modules/readMapping/components/mapping_${mapper}.sh"

process results {
    container = { readMappingContainers["${mapper}"] }

    set val(mapper), val(sampleID), file(quant_dir) from quant

    set val("${mapper}"), val("${sampleID}"), file("${mapper}_${sampleID}.quant") into results

    template "$baseDir/modules/readMapping/components/results_${mapper}.sh"