All the commands must be executed from the parent directory, if not stated otherwise.
docker build . \
-t valory/open-aea-develop:latest \
--file develop-image/Dockerfile
To pass immediate parameters to the docker build
docker build . \
-t valory/open-aea-develop:latest \
--file develop-image/Dockerfile \
arg1 arg2
docker build . \
-t valory/open-aea-develop:latest \
--file develop-image/Dockerfile \
--cpu-quota 4 --compress
docker run -it valory/open-aea-develop:latest /bin/bash
Pass parameters to the docker run
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 valory/open-aea-develop:latest /bin/bash
First, be sure you tagged the image with the latest
docker tag valory/open-aea-develop:<latest-version-number> valory/open-aea-develop:latest
Then, publish the images. First, the valory/open-aea-develop:<latest-version-number>
docker push valory/open-aea-develop:<latest-version-number>
And then, the valory/open-aea-develop:latest
docker push valory/open-aea-develop:latest
Switch the context:
kubectx sandbox
List pods in cluster:
kubectl get pods
Optionally, create new namespace:
kubectl create namespace aea-research
Ensure right namespace is used:
kubens aea-research
Choose namespace in cluster:
kubens aea-research
To enter selected namespace:
From the develop-image
folder run:
skaffold run -p sandbox
SSH into a new image:
kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 -it debian --image=debian -- bash
To create the node pool
gcloud container node-pools create agent-test-pool --cluster sandbox --project fetch-ai-sandbox --node-taints dedicated=agent:NoSchedule --machine-type=n1-standard-4 --num-nodes=1 --enable-autoscaling --node-labels=type=agent-test --max-nodes=1 --min-nodes=0
To remove the node pool
gcloud container node-pools delete agent-test-pool --cluster sandbox --project fetch-ai-sandbox
List pods
kubectl get pod -o wide
kubectl exec -it NAME -- bash