Audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform for iOS, macOS and tvOS
Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code.
A toolkit for SQLite databases, with a focus on application development
SwiftSoup: Pure Swift HTML Parser, with best of DOM, CSS, and jquery (Supports Linux, iOS, Mac, tvOS, watchOS)
A debug log framework for use in Swift projects. Allows you to log details to the console (and optionally a file), just like you would have with NSLog() or print(), but with additional information,…
Swift Ultralight Dependency Injection / Service Locator framework
🦀Amazingly incredible extraordinary lightning fast diffing in Swift
AudioKit Synth One: Open-Source iOS Synthesizer App
Natalie - Storyboard Code Generator (for Swift)
tonyarnold / Differ
Forked from wokalski/Diff.swiftSwift library to generate differences and patches between collections.
AudioKit Sample Player (ROM Player) - EXS24, Sound Font, Wave Player
Sample project for my article on bundles