A DOM based Entity Component System to declaratively create 3D worlds in the browser.
It's an architectural pattern commonly used in game engines like Unity, Playcanvas or Unreal Engine 4+.
There's only one basic element called entity that defines a scale, a position and a rotation in the scene. Components encapsulate logic and data that can be attached to entities to extend their functionality, appearance and behaviour. In AFrame, entities are represented by a-entity
DOM elements and components as their attributes. This is what a simple scene with a cube and a camera looks like:
<a-entity camera="fov: 45"></a-entity>
<a-entity position="0 0 -10" rotation="45 30 0"
geometry="primitive: box; height: 4; width: 4; depth: 4;"
material="color: green;"></a-entity>
NOTE: For folks creating scenes and third-party components + elements, we recommend getting started by instead using the aframe
library, a set of core resuable elements.
Proceed below if you would like to use the minimal set of primitive components and elements available here in aframe-core
If you want to get hacking immediately, just fire up this CodePen example scene!
To get started, simply include these files in your project:
Or for local development you can use the unminified bundles (with source maps for the JS):
Also, be sure to check out these awesome examples:
First install from npm:
npm install aframe-core
And in your Browserify/Webpack modules, simply require the module:
git clone https://github.com/aframevr/aframe-core.git
cd aframe-core
npm install
npm start
open http://localhost:9001/examples/
Working with aframe
If you want to make changes to the aframe
library and test with aframe-core
, you'll need to run these commands to link things up correctly.
When you are in the directory of your aframe-core
repo checkout:
npm link
When you are in the directory of your aframe
repo checkout:
npm link aframe-core
Now when you make changes to aframe-core
, those changes will get reflected when a bundle gets built (the page is refreshed or a aframe
file is changed), so you can test the aframe-core
dependency against aframe
without having to manually push things to npm
for testing (which is a big no no!).
You'll need to npm unlink
when you are done testing things and want to actually use the npm-published versions, not your versions that are locally linked.
From your aframe-core
npm unlink
From your aframe
npm unlink aframe-core
If you'd like to see helpful logs, warnings, and errors, you can enable logging from the console of your favourite developer tools:
localStorage.logs = 1
And to disable:
localStorage.logs = 0
npm test
git checkout dev
git pull --rebase
npm install
npm start
open http://localhost:9001/examples/
Assuming you want to publish a version of dev
to the private package for testing:
npm run release
And to push the tags to GitHub:
git push --tags
npm run dist
git commit -am 'Bump dist'
To publish to https://aframevr.github.io/aframe-core/:
npm run ghpages
To publish to https://your_username.github.io/aframe-core/:
npm run ghpages your_username
This program is free software and is distributed under an MIT License.