3DGazeNet: Generalizing Gaze Estimation with Weak-Supervision from Synthetic Views (arxiv)
To create a conda environment with the required dependences run the command:
$ conda env create --file env_requirements.yaml
$ conda activate 3DGazeNet
Download the data directory contatining pre-trained gaze estimation models from here. Extract and place the data folder in the root directory of this repo.
To run inference on a set of images follow the steps below. A set of example images are given in the data/example_images
1. Pre-process the set of images. This step performs face detection and exports a .pkl
file in the path defined by --output_dir
, containing pre-processing data. For data pre-processing run the following command:
$ cd tools
$ python preprocess_inference.py --image_base_dir ../data/example_images \
--output_dir ../output/preprocessing \
--gpu_id 0 --n_procs 5
2. Run inference on the set of images. This step outputs gaze estimation and 3D eye reconstruction results in a .pkl
file in the inference_results
directory. For inference run the following command:
$ python inference.py --cfg configs/inference/inference.yaml \
--inference_data_file 'output/preprocessing/data_face68.pkl' \
--inference_dataset_dir 'data/example_images/' \
--checkpoint output/models/singleview/vertex/ALL/test_0/checkpoint.pth \
3. To inspect the gaze tracking results run the jupyter notebook in notebooks/view-inference_results.ipynb
Bash scripts for the above commands can be found in the scripts