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SCC — Simple CC

SCC is C++ snippets evaluator (REPL without L), with some AWK features. Implemented as GCC wrapper.


For all examples to work use commit tagged as v0.1; gcc-4.6 or newer and Boost . This page describes v0.1. If used as simple REPL, older gcc (tested with gcc-4.4) will work too and Boost is not needed.

Tip of master branch (do not use) is about x100 faster for AWK ops, but only gcc-4.7 is supported and Boost is not used.


C++ expression evaluated and printed:

scc 2+2

If snippet have Bash special characters, it must be in single or double quotes. If expresion starts with minus, end-of-options indicator "--" must be used:

scc '"hello world"'
hello world

scc 'sin(0.5)'

scc -- -1-INT_MIN

A multi-statement with explicit printing. Note trailing semicolon - meaning do not send last expression
to std::cout

scc 'double x=0.5;  cout << sin(x) << endl;'

SCC includes simple.h which has a lot of shortcuts (à la Google CodeJam). Same as previous example, but with SCC’s shortcuts ( bar-print and pre-declared vars)

scc 'x=0.5;  __ sin(x);'

All STL containers can be sent to std::cout. Typedef vint is std::vector<int>:

scc 'vint  v{1,2,3};  v'
{1, 2, 3}

scc 'tuple<const char*,int>  v{"aaa",2};  v'
⟨aaa, 2⟩

scc 'tuple<const char*,int,tuple<int,float>>  v{"aaa",2,make_tuple(3,4.5f)};  v'
⟨aaa, 2, ⟨3, 4.5⟩⟩

scc 'map<int,int>  v{{1,1},{2,2}};  v'
{⟨1,1⟩, ⟨2,2⟩}

scc 'set<int>  v{2,2};  v'

scc 'vector<vint>  v{{1,1}, {2,2}};  v'
{{1, 1}, {2, 2}}

scc 'int  v[3]{1,2,3};  v'
{1, 2, 3}

scc 'vector<map<str,int>>  v{{{"aa",1}, {"bb",2}}};  v'
{{⟨aa,1⟩, ⟨bb,2⟩}}

Square an array. C++ 11 is on by default. gcc-4.6.0 or newer is needed for this example

scc 'vint V{1,2,3};  for(auto v:V) v*=v;   V'
{1, 4, 9}

Words frequencies (typedef str is std::string):

echo aa bb aa | scc 'str w;  map<str,int> M;  while(cin>>w) M[w]++;  M'
{⟨aa,2⟩, ⟨bb,1⟩}

Sum-up DF(1) used-disk-space column:

df  |  scc 'WRL n+=F2;  n'

Explanation: Shortcut WRL expands to while(read_line()). Function read_line(), reads input line, splits it into fields. One input line is an array of fields F. To access 3nd field use F(2) or F2. Class F derived from std::deque<field>. Type field (derived from std::string) can be directly converted to/from numeric types. The F member function operator() is safe version of operator[].

Variables i,j,k,n are pre-declared as long; variables x,y,z are pre-declared as double; and s - pre-declared as std::string. Numeric types initialized to 0. You don’t need to remember these, you can re-declare/re-define these freely.

Prepend line number to every line. Option -p is similar to PERL’s. It does while(read_line()), evaluates snippet and prints F. Global variable NR - number of record:

echo -e 'aaa\nbbb'   |  scc -p 'F.push_front(NR);'
0 aaa
1 bbb

Another way for doing the same:

echo -e 'aaa\nbbb'   |   scc -p NR
0 aaa
1 bbb

Make comma separated fields out of colon separated. Option -o sets OFS (output field separator), -i - set IFS Snippet is empty in this example.

echo 1:2:3 | scc -i: -o, -p

Read CSV file with quoted fields (spaces, commas and escaped quotes in field are allowed): Option -I, like -i, also sets IFS, but now you can use regex; CSV - predefined regex constant. How to make your own regexes for IFS - look in scc.h

echo '"aa",  "bb\"-, bb",  "cc"'   |   scc -I CSV  -o '"\n"' -p
bb\"-, bb

Replace "-", "none" and empty fields with "n/a" in 2nd column using boost::regex. Boost use in SCC is optional, it will be used if /usr/include/boost exist. RR is shortcut for boost::regex_replace; shortcut R is boost::regex

echo \
'1 -
3 none
4 abc'  |   scc -p 'F1=RR(F1,R("^(none|-)?$"),"n/a");'
1 n/a
2 n/a
3 n/a
4 abc


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